@Shadooz This heater is specifically meant for pairing with an e-nail coil. All modifications have been optimized for barrel coil use.
The unplugged video is just to demonstrate that I got 99 Problems and thermal mass ain't one!
I still prefer the SCVW for torching as the form factor is better for that.
Materials Required: 1x Fused Quartz Joint Glass/Sapphire/Ruby Beads 2x Stainless Steel Screens Estimated Build Cost: $25 Some Assembly Required. Back Story: Continuing on the footsteps of the original Sapphire Evaporator, this one came to fruition after my second desktop design broke and I...
Well maybe I'll make my next vape out of a recycled 36 pack of Miller Lite's

I'm convinced people want less
calories in their hot air.

I might even be
already testing this.....
Cheers Cheebsy! All aboard the steam powered locomotive!
I'm back on the 3MM rounds with these new parts, I'd say it feels more open than the previous housing loaded with 4mm gems thanks to the air flow increase. I'll have to try 4MM in these new parts to test the flow, it's probably very comfortable. Improving the user comfort is important for me, I find ball vapes to be effective but straining if the draw restriction is too much. Potentially devices with less draw resistance could support enhanced absorption of actives in the alveoli.
As far as cooling units, sapphires are extremely effective. Maybe even too much, the first stem I used them in was Arizer stuff a few years ago. It was almost like distillation, it was collecting so much condensate.
I think it may depend on whether your cutting something that is going to see continuous residual thermal stressors or not. Like a quartz countertop won't be repeatedly heated to hundreds of degrees like these parts. I think annealing helps handle things on the microscopic level, like small induced fissures which could cause issues down the road but might be hard to see with the naked eye. I'm definitely not an expert on the subject though, but the glass and ceramic guys tend to suggest post-annealing if possible.