Phase3 Vaporizers


Well-Known Member
PS: i still think that it should be possible to send the coil as well if the XLR is not attached. I work in electronics for a living and there is no law that says anything against it. The XLR and PID wiring are illegal in Germany (actually all across the EU but the other countries dont seem to care). Maybe i could be of assistance and give customs a call? Would be great if any of the germans whose parcel was rejected could chime in.

PS2: i just talked to customs for a bit. Ryan, can you provide further info on the rejected parcels? Which city did you send them too? Do you still have anything written by german customs? If i have any concrete case, i should be able to find out what the problem is/was exactly. I dont mind investing the time. But i need more info in order to sort this out. Cheers
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Well-Known Member
the zx package and the pid I got both came yesterday..was out of state work and I got back at 1 am today…came home to a big storm and no power. Anyways I had to try it out so I plugged it in the 120v outlet in the truck,these ball vapes are insane !! The extraction is much more full if that makes sense. Still dialing in the flavor I’m coming from using my evo here recently and the flavor it is still more pronounced to me at least until I dial in the low temps. Amazing device though thanks so much Ryan !really can’t get over how thoroughly extracted the abv is.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone ! First post on here ! New to the forum but certainly not vaporizing. Just ordered a phase 3 zx without the pid. Is there a specific one I need for this I wanted to grab the controller locally , thanks for any insight !
What I can vouch for, The Auber RDK-300B, works well and has a one knob control for folks with gorilla fingers and the Disorderly Conduction PID that came with the basic ZX kit. To be sure, check the pinout, if memory serves, it's listed on Auber site.


Well-Known Member
the zx package and the pid I got both came yesterday..was out of state work and I got back at 1 am today…came home to a big storm and no power. Anyways I had to try it out so I plugged it in the 120v outlet in the truck,these ball vapes are insane !! The extraction is much more full if that makes sense. Still dialing in the flavor I’m coming from using my evo here recently and the flavor it is still more pronounced to me at least until I dial in the low temps. Amazing device though thanks so much Ryan !really can’t get over how thoroughly extracted the abv is.
Nice! Did you get a shipping notification email?


Nice! Did you get a shipping notification email?

I think he bought one second hand as I’m just getting ready to start packing these up for shipping.

Had a dream that I received that wireless zirconia x) Hope we still rocking towards the ZXXL! June is next week,hopefully more orders have come in by now

🙏🙏🙏 I think we are 5 away or so


Well-Known Member
Still mind blown at the extraction on this bad boy. Need a stand asap though forgot how essential that is for a coil 😂 anyone have any cool recommendations,maybe wood /ss combo ?
and I’m hoping you can remove the heat element ,ruby filled part and maybe soak it ? I don’t want to break anything but i really need to soak it to get the residue off. I’ve already dropped it on a blanket unfortunately and wanted to clean it up a tad so I’m not inhaling anything I don’t need to. Thanks for any advice !💚
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I feel like we are going to hit the ZXXL target, but I was also looking at the ZXL bundle previously. For anyone with the ZXL, what are the dimensions of the bowl? Thanks in advance!

I don’t have the drawing in front of me but it’s 15MM diameter and I think 15MM deep.

If the 25MM doesn’t happen I might do another ZXL. I had said I was probably going to discontinue it but I came up with a new design yesterday while packing up orders that’s kind of interesting to me.

Also because I had a bit of a problem this round as I oversold more ZXLs then I had available. I had marked the ZXL as out of stock on my website, but I guess I forgot to turn off the preorder option when a product is marked out of stock, as that preorder feature has been used a lot for my store.

So for any ZXL order that didn’t receive a shipping notification, I probably don’t have anymore right now. I definitely apologize for the inconvenience and I’m embarrassed for the mixup. I’m not stoked about having to refund $1500 worth of orders either, especially since I’m not sure if this 25MM project will go through or not. Im going to issue everyone a refund whose order I can’t fulfill and try and check out this other idea to see if it’s feasible. If so, an 18MM option could return through that so I could still offer these zirconia vapes.

Other than those few orders, I think 5, everybody else should have received a shipping notification, minus a few international orders I’m waiting to confirm some final details with. For example there was a few international orders that selected 110V electronics, so I just want to make sure that’s correct before mailing those orders out.

Note: nothings been dropped off at the post office just yet, I’m trying to find a ride there since I have 50+ parcels to bring in. I usually walk orders there as I don’t own a vehicle.

That’s all for now gang, back to work 💜


Well-Known Member
Still mind blown at the extraction on this bad boy. Need a stand asap though forgot how essential that is for a coil 😂 anyone have any cool recommendations,maybe wood /ss combo ?

I found this which looks really great and I like that it has walls. Haven’t tested if it is to big, but seems pretty flexible.

I have a question for the fire safety conscious microdosers. How do you manage a ball vape? I don’t know how I feel leaving it on unattended. But the long heat up for just 1 bowl or hit seems like a really big negative and eats into the benefit of the ZX being the perfect snap style 1 hit bowl design.

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I have a question for the fire safety conscious microdosers. How do you manage a ball vape? I don’t know how I feel leaving it on unattended. But the long heat up for just 1 bowl or hit seems like a really big negative and eats into the benefit of the ZX being the perfect snap style 1 hit bowl design.
Maybe a butane ball vape would suit better your use ?
Super fast heating. Take your hit. Store to cool down.

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
What’s the heat up time with a blazer on one of those ?
It's off topic, but it depends on the vape itself. For the EMK, about 25 seconds with a big buddy. For the TA, less than 20 seconds with the big buddy.

I'm sure the ZX could make a nice butane powered vape. Just DIY a handle instead of the coil and blast the rubies through the top screen with a big buddy or equivalent. The zirconia housing will act as an insulator and shouldn't get as hot as the rubies.

@invertedisdead have you tried this ?
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Well-Known Member
I found this which looks really great and I like that it has walls. Haven’t tested if it is to big, but seems pretty flexible.
That Qaroma cup is nice! I use for the ZX, coil cap, and vulcan bowl.
But the long heat up for just 1 bowl or hit
It’s only 5 min, then ready to rip ;) The cool down takes time. My typical ritual is turn on, 3 one snap bowls, turn off :sherlock:


Just a dude
Guess I should feel spoiled in the UK with 220v because I hit the Auber before making a coffee and in less than two minutes, it’s ready for me! I love the fast heat-ups but I’ll need to adjust my expectations when stateside. I hadn’t considered that but makes sense, my phone and devices take much longer to charge over there.

As for the fire concern, my parents house burned down and I’ve always been super conscious about fire safety since. We raised two boys to not play with matches but unfortunately, my wife still leaves candles burning occasionally. I don’t worry about leaving the Z8 on for 12+ hours a day, mine sits securely in a glass bowl holder. The heat source (coil) is on the outside, and as long as that’s not touching anything flammable, there’s no reason to worry about fire.

Now I hear someone saying, “But PJ, what if something flammable does come in contact with the heated coil?” Well, sit right back you fuckers* and listen to me, I’ll tell you exactly what happens to various materials that touch a heated coil:
  • Paper - will scorch black, no burning or combustion
  • Plastic film - will wrinkle and curl away from heat, no combustion
  • Plastic lighter - will melt and butane will whoosh out, no combustion
  • Tissue - will “burn” away until it no longer comes in contact, no combustion
  • S&B brush - bristles will curl up and stink something awful, no combustion
  • Pet hair - will singe mildly, no combustion
  • Wood - depending on length of contact, will scorch and blacken, no combustion
  • Human skin - depending on length of contact, will burn and blister, no combustion
No, I didn’t intentionally put this shit against the coil just to see what would happen, I’m neither that bored or stupid. All of these incidents have happened over the course of a year and a half using the Z8, being stoned and setting things too close to the coil and not noticing, entirely my fault. I fucked up so that you don’t have to, boys and girls. You can see, even though there’s an extensive list of fuck-ups to my name, none caused combustion and only the plastic film required cleaning the cooled coil. It would seem that the temperatures we vape cannabis at simply aren’t hot enough to cause combustion. Find a suitable holder, free your mind and enjoy the pure flavour of your ZX.

*of combustion
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