I don't have a PD or a MZ yet, (PD on order), but I thought I'd drop my

on the efficiency topic, though it has seems to be amiable settled.
I'd just like to say why I'm almost positive there is factual information as to why, and why not, the MZ/PD are "more efficient". I know a bit about thermodynamics and how this kind of heating system actually does the job, not enough to state pure facts, but enough to make some educated guesses.
It seems to me like a pretty simple concept, one that the post regarding efficiencies of scale got me thinking about.
A whip vape has a large bowl. It is intended to be filled fully, or as full as is recommended.
The PD/MZ has a small bowl. It is intended to be filled fully, or as full as is recommended.
If you fill a whip vape with a MZ/PD size bowl, you will not be using it in the manner intended. Every vape says you don't need a full bowl, but there is a reason that bowl size varies; the manufacturers probably found the optimal bowl size for their product.
So really, the PD/MZ are not more efficient per se; more that they FULLY vaporize smaller amounts while other large-fed vaporizers PROBABLY can not.
Though I don't have any of the vapes in question, I would hazard a guess that if you packed an Extreme, vapor Bros, or Silver Surfer fully and used the same amount in a MZ/PD, you would get equally high.
Something you might want to consider testing krazy,
And am I the only one ever to actually enjoy that burnt popcorn taste?! I kinda like really roasting a bowl on my genie and vaporstar, it's like the pleasant smoky aspect without the actual shit reaction i have to inhaling burnt stuff.
Call me crazy