Holidays are upon us, and nothing has yet changed.
I will expound later in the
raid thread. We wait.
Paying it forward thread is the nature of the thoughts at hand.
We have managed to get vaporizers and parts to a number of patients in need.
We leave the house and meet with patients elsewhere, but we get it done.
We have gotten a couple of Haze vaporizers out there and the most recent donations from you.
A couple of head shops and a dispensary donated pieces to us to sell for legal fees, and you all helped with that also, through FC classifieds. (You guys are all still paying it forward!

It is the time when we are with loved ones.
I love my family so very much.
(Patty, 2 dogs and 2 birds)
Want to pay it forward in a special way?
You are granted moments of pleasure by the Universe, and the Creator.
Moments of laughter, and moments of joy.
Moments without fear have been my most recent gift from the Universe, and they are priceless.
Take all of those moments and add them up.... and pay that bundle of peaceful moments forward in extra hugs and contact with family.
Morning hugs are my specialty.
Long ones that show my spouse that the last thing on my mind is
everything in the Universe except being close.
I love you guys...
May all of you have a most wonderful Christmas.
I pray that each of you sees a miracle.
My greatest gift I personally got today was the hugs, and I am grateful.
Don't forget the hugs.