Hey FC Community,
New member here, but not new to vaping. I've had a PAX for a while now. Im familiar with other vapes like the solo, mflb, DBV. Used to combust cigars regularly 2 years ago until getting the pax. I just wanted to give my review two years later as I get info out of FC so I figured I should be productive member and help with someone who may be shuffling through threads and getting lost for hours like myself trying to decide on a next vape. My reviews will be a little rambling but I feel will help someone who may be new to vaping and had the same combustion routine i used to have or is looking at the pax.
1. Stealth-Yes
2 Efficiency- with screen trick/fine grind-Yes
3. Odor-Outdoors is better. Indoors/ be very mindful of what exactly you are about to do before you start your session. Remember you cannot be a good judge of odor once you have started your session.
4. Battery life- honestly very subjective to how you vape. Its portable....5 sessions per charge. This was coming straight from combustion and vaping on med/high
5. Vapor Visibility- if you learn how to draw on the Pax, you can achieve some "clouds"If you're new to vaping you can get these. (Remember the fine grind and a good packdown for best result) The higher the temp more visibilty (counting that you dont end on high.) I personally go for effect/ABV inspection rather than what clouds I can see. If you dont have the right lighting/backdrop sometimes you can barely see anything. If you're outdoors the wind plays a factor.
6. Vapor Flavor- Low setting pretty tasty if you're coming from combustion, medium after maybe 5 pulls it will change, if you own a solo/ any vape with glass you know which one wins this.
7. Price-When it came out it was worth the price. Currently, with a lot of other vapes in its price range and even lower, you're paying for that solid warranty ploom backs up. That is worth it alone in the vaping world. Just something to consider.
8. Build Quality- Yes, I dropped it at least 20times on tile (I know, I know), it has a dent , and scratches all over yet it still gets the job done no problems.
9. Maintenance- Get ready to clean often if you want to keep it running efficient.
* For folks new to vaping and combusted cigars the high setting is pretty close to combustion. If you climb the temps and end on it taking maybe two last draws on high. That may help. It helped someone I know.
Hopefully this helps someone. Remember this is the review and opinion of Slow Draw McGraw and not of anyone in reality.