Higher, Higher, Baby...
Everyone keep in mind something such as flavor is a bit subjective too, its like trying to argue which tastes better, steak or chicken, apples or oranges.
Chicken & Apples.
Everyone keep in mind something such as flavor is a bit subjective too, its like trying to argue which tastes better, steak or chicken, apples or oranges. This made me extremely excited! I saw a razor at the mall the other day and had to google it, It claimed 3 hours of use in under 3 minutes of charge.
Hahaha, dude that's what I'm saying, it just sucks man... I want this vape soooo bad, but I can'y buy one if it requires more than a quick clean once or twice a week, especially if it's going to need replacement or lubing, it's just ridiculous, I hope Ploom fixes all this crap soon, it's been a while now, have they not updated or fixed anything??
Anyone think there is a good way to connect the pax to a bong with that? I'm reading the vaporpedia entry and wondering if this would work better at all?
I used the contraption once but decided if I am using glass I have much better options than the pax. : )
Same here! I have my EQ whipped to a 2ft water bong, with ice above lol best.vape.experience.Personally.. I like my pax, but the EQ that I hit was so smooth (Pulled it through a whip and then through a bong, so that could have something to do with it) I think I would like a home unit eventually, but for now, my Pax has kept me happy.
Nope, It must have manifested itself thereI just noticed, is there suppose to be a loose ring around the upper part of the steel tube, on the mouthpiece under the plastic?
does the metal tube fit right in that adapter or do you need the hose to fit it tight?
Yes, it would still pop back up. Since then I rubbed it between my fingers a bit and then tried and it stayed locked down. So maybe time to clean it? Couldn't hurt. So that's the plan.
edit: Took the mouthpiece off, tried to lock it back again and wont stay down again, so we will see after it is clean
does the metal tube fit right in that adapter or do you need the hose to fit it tight?
Both work well, the key is just to compress the bowl flat and solidIs it better to have the oven completely filled and packed? or half way filled and packed?
Ive noticed compressing too much with my most recent strain completely blocks my air flow.Both work well, the key is just to compress the bowl flat and solid
I agree with not fucking constantly with the temp, my friend does it to mine mid session and it pisses me off hahaha, I have said that before, 3 different temp settings for one pack is ridiculous, but if thats how some of you want to do itI think once you decide on the best temp setting for yourself you should just stick with one setting; I don't know why so many people are commenting about taste issues on the different temp settings; I haven't noticed any measurable differences.
Try a full session on low, I keep telling people this and no-one listens! low is awesome, my friend has a N02 vape that you cannot use higher than the LOW temp for pax or the n02 will burn youI disagree on not touching the temp button for a few reasons. If I'm vaping good stuff, I'll start on low and use it till the clouds start to die down, then stir and flip it onto medium. I do this to keep vapor production at a constant. The few times i've used mid grade stuff I've used medium -> high, as it doesn't produce anything worthwhile on low.
It'd be really cool to find something (like a mini brick) to stick in the oven that would wedge the pax-food up against the walls, I feel like if we could increase the surface area, while also increasing the density this thing would be lethal.
OK ALMOST FORGOT! I have a solution for you that requires no dremmeling of any sort! The normal screen bends down in the center and the lips on the inside of the pax hold it tight, while the screen sits concaving, almost like a U shape. You want to flatten the screen, and then bend it the opposite direction so it is convexing, it'll fight you a little if you try and put it in flat (The screen is slightly longer than the oven), you have to put it in one side at a time, I use a poker to get the second side down. It'll lock firmly in place, easy enough to remove still with a pipe cleaner, and it gives great hits, theres a big difference in airflow. The screen bending upwards prevents most of the bottom of the oven from making contact with the bottom of the screen, so I like this configuration for if I am using HIGH because it isnt cooking it as fast, as it creates a substantial air pocket under the screen ( just barely, but theres a noticeable difference hitting it, and the vaped bud doesnt get dark dark brown/borderline black in the corners of the bottom of the oven on high any more) I made one screen have a M shape to it (it dips down in the middle) This gives me the same airflow but cooks it as much as a normal screen configuration.Yeah, those screens are a pain in the ass. I'm not exactly sure what happens, but they do just not want to stay put after some time. I think you're right about the screen edge wearing down because new ones fit snug. I've thought about taking a Dremmel, very lightly, to the inside of the oven on the vapor tube side so that there is some texture for the screen to grab onto on that side. I'm hoping that this will do the trick.
hmmm maybe I can make one, thanks for the inspiration!