Hello Folks!
I have one little question. I am looking
for this exact vape case, the one "TheDudeNextDoor" posted. This one: http://oi43.tinypic.com/142eohv.jpg
Anybody know where to get it ? Tried amazon but didn't find this exact model.
Thanks ! I just ordered a chandelier from Vaporblunt , and looking forward to trying it out .
Quick question guys. How much can you smell it preheated and post heated in like a suit jacket? I'm worried about the smell lingering. Thanks in advance guys.
I always hit my Pax a couple of times after turning it off. I always seem to get a couple more hits. I need to order some more screens so I can pack smaller ovens.Yea I dont have a problem with mine either. I always push the mouthpiece in to turn it off then hit it 1 or twice more to make sure the entire unit is cooled down. I did almost the same thing as you Icaught. Went to my car, did a quick load on level 3 and left in my front pocket and no one said anything or gave me funny looks.
i've been enjoying the PAX / Chandelier combo. Try it with cold tea in lieu of water.Thanks ! I just ordered a chandelier from Vaporblunt , and looking forward to trying it out .
Quick question guys. How much can you smell it preheated and post heated in like a suit jacket? I'm worried about the smell lingering. Thanks in advance guys.
It's why I love mine as wellI live in Staten Island ny and I purchased a pax the other day from a local head shop. I've been burning for almost 30yrs now and I have to say I haven't felt a high like I'm feeling with my pax in a very long time! This morning I packed the oven full and it lasted me all day without even having to mix the flowers. I can take 3 big pulls and I am on cloud 9. I've hit on 3 separate occasions today and each time I vape it's getting better. Between the taste difference and the feeling I get compared to burning I'm hooked on the vapor!
That's good to hear , Vapist , and a good tip about the tea , too. With the chandelier , will I need an adapter ? How do you connect yours to the Pax ?i've been enjoying the PAX / Chandelier combo. Try it with cold tea in lieu of water.
I always hit my Pax a couple of times after turning it off. I always seem to get a couple more hits. I need to order some more screens so I can pack smaller ovens.
That is correct. The oven is still warm and I usually get a hit or two after. Also, it helps clear out remaining vapor and, in my mind, cuts down on cleaning frequency. Could all be in my head though.You say you hit it after turning it off? Do you mean while the mouthpiece is pushed down??
That's good to hear , Vapist , and a good tip about the tea , too. With the chandelier , will I need an adapter ? How do you connect yours to the Pax ?
I use a small piece of silicon tubing to connect the PAX mouthpiece to the Chandelier Water Tool (VB 2.0 DLX). Works like a charm. Here is where I obtained the tubing: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0064OF90W/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1. This link was provided earlier in the thread. Tube fits perfectly in the DLX bottom. Cold Valerian Root tea with some honey infused into it when hot, with some mint and lemon was great. I put the whole unit in the fridge and hit some Blue Dream on orange and then red with great clouds, great taste and a deeper longer lasting medicating effect. As you may have experienced, frequent vapers sometimes experience shorter medication effects and less intense effects with multiple daily uses. Using the WT when I get home from work, even if I have vaped during the day 1-3 times, will still give me a nice long-lasting therapeutic effects I am seeking. I also had the Pinnacle tube, which I attached to the PAX using the Pinnacle PONG adapter and the same tubing. I broke the smaller glass piece unfortunately, but will buy another merely because the DLX Water tool is not really portable while the Pinnacle piece is. I'd love to see a review of various other glass tools people have successfully used with Pax and if anyone else is experimenting with flavors in their liquids.That's good to hear , Vapist , and a good tip about the tea , too. With the chandelier , will I need an adapter ? How do you connect yours to the Pax ?
I will do sir. Give me a couple of days, but I will. It purrs beautifully. I am glad I got that particular attachment, although given the quality of the DLX attachment, I would bet they are all pretty good.can you posta vid of that chandelier purring? Pretty please![]()