Hey guys, I guess we're all friends in here, so what do you think, time to start a small

So, I got a real pax and a fake pax.
The real pax was sent to me by a friend from the states, the fake from ebay.
This fake pax is as close to perfection as they come, nothing on the pax will show you it's fake
(it has a serial nr, hex screw, same colors, party mode, great battery life etc etc etc, the only thing
for me that tells me this is the fake pax (besides the fact that the real is black and the facke is purple) is that the oven lid (the metal part) looks slightly more shiny.
Anyway...the fake pax sticks out head and neck (Belgian saying, not sure if you guys in the states use it too)
above the real pax, it has better battery life (much better) I think it gets a tad bit hotter too, it doesn't have as much of the issues my real pax has (I use the fake one more) less problems with sticking, etc even the
lights are better (I can see more difference between the orange and the red, wich are nearly the same on the real pax)
The only problem it has is that I have to push the mp to get the purple light, without pushing most of the time it shows the temp light, but this tiny problem was easily solved with the use of my toothpick solution (I posted this a few posts back)
All in all, if I had to choose, I would go for the fake pax in a heartbeat.
Now, to be fair, I'm probably one of very few so don't look at this as me advocating for fake paxes,
I think I had a bit of luck with the fake pax and alot of bad luck with the real pax.
Either way, I love them and use them almost daily they hit me harder and faster than the ascent on max temp and since I don't use the screen anymore, I can use mflb loads with very nice vapor on red (-0.1g)