Well-Known Member
To everyone still wondering about VaporEarth, this is what they had to say:
"...if for some reason they don't provide you with warranty service, our policy is to cover the warranty on our own...."
I understand why Pax wouldn't want online competition but this is kind of disappointing for those you decided to support Pax Labs and order directly from their website. Ordering directly from Pax Labs should offer some kind of benefit/incentive in return in my opinion; as from seeing this and the shipping chaos from a few weeks back, there will most likely be a decrease in sales directly from Pax Labs in the near future. Not trying to attack the company in anyway, but just offering my viewpoints as a rather upset customer. Mods please have mercy!
EDIT: Quotations.
Way to go VaporEarth! If they can offer that price and warranty the device I say more power to them

Ploom can do what they want, let your wallet decide