Other brands of Accessories that fit the TinyMight.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Someone just posted something like that on Reddit:

The mouthpiece seems kind of nice and I like that it's relatively short, which is - with cooling - my most sought after quality in a stem I would like for my TM.

The ones from High Artisan I like the most, with the terp pills. But I'm not interested in the wood mouthpiece but I would like it to be a bit more like flat ended style or something.

So good to know btw it's all compatible with TM2 because with how this vape is pleasing me I'm gonna upgrade for sure and probably sooner rather than later...

Haha yeah except that one is the upline stem, looks ridiculous with that many tiny pearls, probably thicker than a milkshake to draw through, and annoying as fuck to clean? Yeah I also haven't been interested in that upline stem because it has a bowl that is meant for combustion without any screen at all, just narrowing of the tube which I think is especially bad for convection heating evenly, so I've never been interested to try that one though the mouthpiece tip seems comfortable... Fortunate I have plenty of other options (good vibes boro seems more effective with all the balls plus tip options instead of just pills in the high artisan imo)

Abele Rizieri Ferrari

Well-Known Member
The bottom balls are held in by basket screen, but HOW are the top balls near MP held in?
From what I can tell they are not :lol:

Haha yeah except that one is the upline stem
Oh I missed that you were talking about that octo, my bad

Yeah the beads seem to make an already not ideal stem just way worse? Lol
Fortunate I have plenty of other options (good vibes boro seems more effective with all the balls plus tip options instead of just pills in the high artisan imo
GVB is very nice also a bit more expensive. I could check if he does shorter stuff as well.
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Abele Rizieri Ferrari

Well-Known Member
Thanks, I use that same stem sometimes to change things up. Unlike SS above, I find it works perfectly fine with a basket screen, cools ok and draws great. I still prefer the 1/2 CU ball mod, as I can just push/pull the bowl to control load size.
Apparently the 3mm balls don't fall out from the mouthpiece side I read in a comment by the OP on Reddit.
Abele Rizieri Ferrari,
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Well-Known Member
No, and it is a terrible glass honeycomb screen, it's actually a ratchet gear disc, I hate it, there's no benefit to using this stem at all imo I was going to try putting quartz beads in mine with a mouthpiece though I'm not motivated much lol
Thx. Is the glass screen similar to that of the arizer solo stem?
You described it very good, but i am not sure at all because of the language.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Thx. Is the glass screen similar to that of the arizer solo stem?
You described it very good, but i am not sure at all because of the language.

No worries, it is not similar to the solo, the solo just has four holes I think? So it's not even much of a honeycomb... This one is a ratchet gear, little slits on the sides, so the center does not even have a hole technically, should be able to find a photo of it? Not so useful without a basket screen in front of it

Jill NYC

Portable Hoarder
I just realized that the HR Fierce stems fit the TM! (Since I barely ever used that vape, nice to know I can put it to good use!)

I finally have a WPA with a great glass built-in bowl for my TM. Tonight is going to be fun :science:



Thx. Is the glass screen similar to that of the arizer solo stem?
You described it very good, but i am not sure at all because of the language.

Here’s a few pics for comparison. The solo has 4 bigger holes, the Grav has 6 smaller ones.

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Well-Known Member
Yeah the beads seem to make an already not ideal stem just way worse? Lol
On the other hand, this piece wasn’t made for the TM, so it’s kind of unfair to call it a “not ideal stem.” I’ve used the octotaster with the silicone sleeve in a similar manner to this, it works ok. Lately I’m using a long tube with cooling unit halves separated by beads with a @RogueGuy mouthpiece. Or a short RBT stem with no beads and a rimless basket screen in the end of the tube.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I just realized that the HR Fierce stems fit the TM! (Since I barely ever used that vape, nice to know I can put it to good use!)

I finally have a WPA with a great glass built-in bowl for my TM. Tonight is going to be fun :science:

Wow I could have sworn I tried that way back when I got my TM, are you sure it is a full tight fit, I think those stems are slightly narrower than 16 mm? Nice that it fits for you! My roommate uses my fierce now, it is a nice design (but I had vapor quality issues)
Shit Snacks,
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Jill NYC

Portable Hoarder
Wow I could have sworn I tried that way back when I got my TM, are you sure it is a full tight fit, I think those stems are slightly narrower than 16 mm? Nice that it fits for you! My roommate uses my fierce now, it is a nice design (but I had vapor quality issues)
Snug as a bug in a rug! (I actually have two WPA’s and they both fit perfectly.)

Yeah - I had issues with Fierce as well - taste was always off for me, unlike their other vapes.


Well-Known Member
@sickmanfraud I had a look at the Rogue Waxworks dimpled stems. Very nice! I PMed them last Friday to ask how the cooling compared to a stock short stem with the CU. Still awaiting a reply. Sold out now in that size. Disappointing but these things happen. I’m sure there will be more.

Anyone have one and have some info? Much appreciated. 🍻
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
@sickmanfraud I had a look at the Rogue Waxworks dimpled stems. Very nice! I PMed them last Friday to ask how the cooling compared to a stock short stem with the CU. Still awaiting a reply. Sold out now in that size. Disappointing but these things happen. I’m sure there will be more.

Anyone have one and have some info? Much appreciated. 🍻

You should probably follow up, if they saw your message they likely forgot about it, but you would get more responses to the question if you ask in the TM thread I think... Better to message him to put in an order for one so you don't have to rush to order when they're in stock anyway? Anyway the cooling unit cools more thoroughly, but robs more flavor and vapor, you might want to draw slower with a glass spiked cooling stem to better cool the vapor as you inhale compared to the stock cooling unit where you might draw a bit faster... May want to use lower temps, but the flavor and effects will be really great to milk those low temps, when I am using my own glass cooling stem from a different maker I really use lower temps as low as possible on the dial going up tiny bit by tiny bit... They're definitely a nice option with the TM, worth grabbing!


FAT X - Ruby Twist - TM2 - 20M w/ Wand
Does anyone use the Inception stem from OCWW?

I ordered one since it was cheaper than the stem with balls and I don’t want to clean balls. :) Thing is, my 1/2” domed screens don’t seem to fit.

was wondering what you all do for a screen?


Well-Known Member
The screens from the Tinymight company fit into the TM without popping off. I do not know what OCWW is?

The screen from Tinymightvapes fits my dimpled stem from TheRogueWaxWorks.

Grass Yes

Staff member
Sorry - It's O'Connell Woodworks. I have the Inception stem and the TM screens don't fit. Nor do 3rd party 1/2" domed screens I've procured off Etsy (which fit the TM stem and the Grav Upline taster).
I have the baller stem from GVB (the maker for that stem for OWW). It came with a typical dome screen iirc. It also fits my dome screens from Ed's TNT and amazon. I wonder if they made it a little too shallow. You could always reach out and ask.
Grass Yes,


FAT X - Ruby Twist - TM2 - 20M w/ Wand
So…it turns out, I got shipped the Inception dynavap stem by mistake. I had only looked at it when I didnt have my TinyMight or other stems out and hadn’t noticed how much smaller it was than the opening to the TinyMight.

I had an “oohhhhhhh!” moment this afternoon while I was ISO soaking my stems and 21M and pulled out the Inception stem to make sure I wasn’t nuts with the screen not fitting. It still didn’t, but the dynavap tip did!

Emailed OCWW to find a solution. :)


Well-Known Member
Time to bump this thread… I never noticed it…

A couple of us here are wondering about the fit of the Rogue dosing caps for the TM2. If anyone has some and doesn’t mind tests it, would like to hear if they fit and work well in the stock glass stem.



Well-Known Member
The dosing capsules for the HR Rogue and the Tinymight are the same.

At home, I don't always use them. When out and about I find them a great convenience. When I am having a bad day pain wise I use the Titanium stem and a capsule at night to get some conduction into the mix.

If you are in a place where cannabis is hard to get or very expensive you may not be willing to forgo the AVB. Popping one capsule out and into a small container to save and popping in a fresh capsule is very easy.

You need to move the temperature up a bit to compensate for the mass of the capsule.

Delta 3D studios have several capsule filling and storing/transporting options for the Rogue/TM capsules.


Well-Known Member
The dosing capsules for the HR Rogue and the Tinymight are the same.

At home, I don't always use them. When out and about I find them a great convenience. When I am having a bad day pain wise I use the Titanium stem and a capsule at night to get some conduction into the mix.

If you are in a place where cannabis is hard to get or very expensive you may not be willing to forgo the AVB. Popping one capsule out and into a small container to save and popping in a fresh capsule is very easy.

You need to move the temperature up a bit to compensate for the mass of the capsule.

Delta 3D studios have several capsule filling and storing/transporting options for the Rogue/TM capsules.
Thanks for the feedback on experience! I’m going to use the “official” TM rimmed baskets on the go for now as they seem like they will be easy to swap out…. I’ll probably get the new SE Rogue next year and buy some caps then. That’s a good tip about higher heat due to the mass! I too seek some conduction depending on the day and usually at night…

Btw here’s my setup using HR Edge caps, fit snug right on the back of a cu. sometimes I fill the cu with flower as well. Edge caps work ok for micro dosing

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