I poopoo'd on his thread and he didn't like it and went on the attack.
I didn't address this earlier because I wanted to give it some thought, and for once I agree with Mr. Dee, at least on two of the three points made in this cutting statement.
I have deliberately kept the 'personal accusations' aspect of the original post that started this out of this discussion so far, but this seems like I am left with no choice but to comment on it, as Mr. Dee has brought it up:
1) 'I poopoo'd on his thread'
Yep, you pulled your pants down, showed us your your ass and took a shit for all the world to see.
Seriously, thanks for admitting this, it really does help qualify the context within which this whole discussion has taken place and confirms that this was (as I have half suspected all along and been ignoring), actually also a personal attack - nice

You have just admitted you knew exactly what you were doing. Up until this point I had given the benefit of the doubt and allowed the possibility that this was just an unfortunate side effect. No more. I feel even more vindicated and validated in everything I have said here. Thanks for that.
2) 'he didn't like it'
Absolutely correct, I mean who in their right mind would 'like' being accused of promoting stolen tech? And without any evidence?
This is offensive and anti-social and goes against the rule of this forum that I have recently been awarded a 'point' for violating - unless anyone can claim that this is 'nice behaviour' - can't see it myself, lets see shall we...
How you would respond should I just randomly go around accusing you of criminal activity? Would you be okay with it or...
3) 'and went on the attack'
...would you go on the defence?
Oh yes... you better believe I am defending myself. Seriously out of order.
If you are going to accuse me of something, you damn well better have the evidence you need to back it up.
Dear reader, please note... There is *still* no evidence any crime has taken place, in 7 pages of narcissistic drivel from Mr. Dee. none whatsoever.
I once again reiterate my only genuine concern here, why do you think it is okay to go round accusing people of crimes you clearly can't prove have taken place?
The truth is it is you, Mr. Dee, who made the unprovoked attack - and for what? Your morals on not buying something - seriously - WTAF? I consider this to be amongst the most offensive behaviour I have encountered online, ever. I have had some shit in my time, but this is genuinely a first.
The patent law you are using to qualify your accusations clearly and unambiguously has, as part of the fundamental premise of it's entire mode of operation, the absolute requirement of claim and proof in a court of law before any violation can be determined.
Regardless of any 'confession' by VF, this point still stands, and I make no apology for standing by it as my defence against your unfounded and malicious accusations.
Will you actually respond to this, nope. I can guarantee it, why? because that would mean admitting you are responsible and you just will not ever see this. You will ignore this post in it's entirety or pick one aspect of it you can find some 'fault' with and make it about that and not the overall big picture reality that you have 'thrown the cat amongst the pigeons' so to speak and there are consequences.
Shrugs, I really wish you had either not said anything, had the evidence to back up your claim, not acted so dishonourably by changing your position so many times or tried to twist my words to suit your way of viewing the world, but .. here we are!
See how, despite this bullshit... I am still calm as all fuck...