@StormyPinkness My understanding of how the core works with an Omicron Lite is that it's just like plugging it into any USB outlet... So I doubt it'll be able to Herc it up

I'd love to be corrected if I'm wrong though.
I'm patient enough if there's an advantage to it
I've got 3 KISS carts and 1 KISS globe (with 2 heaters) ATM, and I've got 2 KISS carts to rebuild.
I read through the KISS rebuild guide posted by
@DieHard, and it seems like a simple enough process, but he mentioned that the taste isn't as good as an original KISS cart.
I was wondering if that's just because it's a rebuild, and even the W9 rebuild kits will have worse taste, or if there's something special about the w9 Wick/coil that's special?
If not, would there be any advantage to going with a different coil design?
I've got zero experience with ecig tech, which seems to have a fair bit of crossover with our desired purpose, so I'm not sure if some of the stuff I've seen online would be applicable here...
Like I've seen something very similar to a KISS cart, but with a circular (donut style) wick, and another one with 2 wicks instead of the 1.
Would it be worth it to try something like that, or just go with replicating the stock KISS wick/coil setup?
I very much appreciate the links, but I think I'll look around for a more local supplier to see if I can knock the price down a bit. It would cost me about $30 to get the items from those 3 pages, and while I get that it would probably allow me to rebuild something like 10 carts, I really only need to rebuild 2, and I can get 2 new carts for close to that...
And a completely different thought I had the other day:
Is there any reason I shouldn't use my Minicron as a batt for other purposes?
I recently picked up a couple of laser pointers, and it made me wonder if a laser pointer module could be made to screw into the 601 threading? (that's the omicron one right? And 510 is the more generic ecig threading?)
My laser pointer runs off 2 AAA batteries, which should be like 3V, is the Minicron too high a Voltage for that? or is there something about the batt chemistry thats different? Or would a laser module just not be a smart idea for the longevity of the batt? Don't really know much about that side of electronics...
But yeah, I kinda want to build myself a Laser "Cart" for the minicron if it's not a stupid idea

And maybe an LED torch type cart.
They may not end up being the most practical things, but I think they'd be cool, and could help with the stealth aspect since being a non-smoker, calling it an ecig kinda raises more questions than it answers for me