Seeing this brandname reminded me that i bought it's predecessor (?) years ago. We knew nothing about vaporizing but hey, sounded like a nice alternative way to enjoy the herbs.
Bought it together with a friend. First try we were very stoked and curious, loaded up the huge bowl and gave it a go. Little did we know about vaping temperatures, temp stepping.
It made some noice while heating up and once hot you could +/- the heat and to start vaping you'd press the fire button. That activated a fan to blow hot air over the load with the sound of two hairdryers.... Come to think of it... this thing actually was nothing more than a modified hairdryer...

So it actively blew out vapor thru the tubing. Drawing on it would raise the speed of the fan..
We got smacked with a stream of pretty harsh and hot vapor.
The taste was quite offputting and i remember very good even tho we probably were quite hammered we wanted/needed to get rid of that terrible taste by combusting a J!
But then things turned into a real life drama since all of the sudden our beloved smoke tasted terrible. All we could taste was the burned part... Vaping one bowl seemed to have ruined our tastebuds??? The vapor was harsh as hell and now smoke tasted like ass???
Oh noo, what did we do, what have we done????

Took me two days before i could enjoy the taste of the good old smoke again (i know, right...

Guess i wasn't ready for vaping or better: vaping wasn't ready for me!!

). So that was enough for us to shelve the Vapir One and forget about it (and vaping alltogether)...
This thing didn't do me any favours since its taste/the experience made me ignore vaping for years...
It was kinda like a portable desktop i guess. Made to hold in one hand but still had a power plug so nowhere to go really...
Hehe, it's all about the idea isn't it...
I do love the idea they built in a tie-wrap-safety system so you could attach it to your hand for convenience!
10/10 for ergonomics, this thing became like a third hand!
You could play the buttons freely like a piano, that thing wasn't going anywhere even if you tried to shake it off!
Even if you passed out you'd be still holding on to the Vapir One!
Edit: i don't remember when i purchased it but i do believe it must have been "old technology" already at that time. Bought it 'live' in a store and since even now, years later, it's hard to find decent vaping stuff (dry herb vaping that is) around here. So not so sure about the "Vaping wasn't ready for me"-part tbh. Just didn't start off with the right stuff i reckon. We probably just bought a dinosaur back then, that shop might still sell them! Hehe. It was more about availability in those days.