I’m not sure if you are into China glass but I have been loving my
FC-UFO for my FlowerPots. There is just so many ways to pimp it out. I use a whip. I love being able to see the vapor pour into it. Getting that Vrod should be priority one. You’re going to love it.
“LOUD NOISES” everywhere

That UFO has this same perc, but UFO probably bigger sized rig, and detachable mouthpiece.
Measurements of that UFO please my man??
I thought about you when I saw this piece.
I want it too, you can go ahead and advise me

Then I saw some people using this rig somewhere here and at IG, with an Herborizer too. If it handles an Herborizer, it can handle NV FP lineup too imho & e.
Looks very good, better than all the “knock off” I’ve seen, and if you take a look at its measurements, they are pretty similar to the OG Möbius Clear Matrix I have, and I consider it the staple on Möbius lineup.
Detachable mouthpiece and perc stem

I thought you’d like it!!!
It’s a nice option for European people too.
At €100 looks like a nice deal to me.
The Alternative Water Cooling System created by Verdampftnochmal, produced by EHLE, for mind-blowing vaping adventures.

My dear
@PhotoRider RIP PK, my man I miss you so much, had all Möbius, Toro, Sovereignity, Mothership and almost all good “united states” scientific brands iterations, as well as all his 401K in heady glass

From all I tried, all of his glass, the Möbius Stereo Matrix has the most of blowback, if you don’t pay attention to what are you doing.
I always find interesting, a double matrix perc like that, because scientifically, I believe it makes no sense to have such big matrix percs so close together, but to each their own, as they say.
I’ve seen smaller percs, with a bigger clearance distance, that serves the purpose of double perc, first perc “push bubbles up, second perc “picks them” and push them up even further”.
Watch this new guy, from Bear Mountain Studios, that started hyping the RBRs, that Erik Anders for example, has been doing flawlessly for many years before this “new hype kid in the block” “shillfluencing himself like crazy”. Clear example of “shillfluencing”.
RBR = Refined Bell Recycler,
a concept that’s has existed for years, but some “shillfluencer himself is pushing it like crazy”

With the stereo matrix, I don’t really see that happening imho & e.
I just see a plain column of bubbles, and more blowback.
Another old video showing that famous OG diamond cut Möbius Matrix perc stacking bubbles like it should be.
Worthy to watch 1080HD

It’s supposed to have more than 200 slits, if I remember from a long time ago I read about it
As I said, I tried all OG Möbius iterations, and I inherited a China Stereo Matrix knock off, with a full second G-43 kit, both that Bud’s Vape Critic gifted me, thanks Bud’s

Very generous indeed!!!
Stay vaped!
Mantente de la mente!
I edited my first video for Instagram followers/viewers!!