Ok so how fast did you guys forget how much you spent on this bad boy? Only thing holding me up is the steep investment but love the option of flower + concentrate! Let’s here it. TALK ME INTO IT
You don’t “need to go full bundle”, or listen to “influencers that only hate the 5% commission” that NewVape gives, so they “push other subpar vaporizers” that gives them 15% or more commissions

and tell everyone that NV FP lineup is “dangerous and too expensive”

Here are perfectly detailed, “bare bones kits”, “no bells and whistles”.
Just the basic to get going. No glass rig.
No big metal stands nor handles nor universal carb caps. You don’t need all that to own one of the, if not the most versatile “desktop vaporizer nowadays”
Imho & e, and I have gone through most of them, WE or VROD are a must have if you’re serious about vaping.
Only thing you’ll need is a DYI hardwood block, or somewhere to screw that nut that allows you to screw the “heat post stand” where your NV FP will rest.
A big thick ceramic bowl will do it too.
Anything that wouldn’t melt or get too hot to touch will serve you as a stand.
More questions??
Hit the DMs
Stay vaped!
Mantente de la mente!
By the way, if you already own a PID controller, and a 20mm barrel coil, you can take at least $140 OFF the whole price.
If you own an XLR pin connector wired PID, you can save $90, but you’ll need to buy their XLR 20mm coil, that costs like $50.
WE Bare Bones Kit!!
Cheapest and almost ready to go!!
Just add a glass rig, and a thick DYI “stand”
$321 shipped to your door.
I’m at Oregon, so “NO sales tax while paying with debit card”.
If you’re in a “sales taxed state” most likely you’ll be charged 10% more at least, because of state’s taxes.
Out of my hands in which state do you live.

Basically is all the same, you just need to swap the WE head for the VROD head, and add a VROD carb cap.
$397 shipped to your door
Isn’t it way cheaper than those “influencers” “cackle” all the time??

Here’s a shipped bare bones kit for the VROD.
Same applies, DYI stand, and sales taxes at your state will up the price 10% more.
Sorry for that.
Out of my hands.

If you go basic, you’ll get if for way cheaper.
If you go full bundle, of course it will cost you more.
But we’re talking top of the line vaporizer forever and ever here.
Not a subpar “soldering iron, rushed like crazy, no r&d of any kind nor beta testing”
This VAS killer of vaporizers is like a Ferrari in the vaping world, it’s a
staple and a very very good and classy desktop vaporizer.
It’s a “head turner”, not something that some “influencers rushed adding glass balls to a metal tip with a soldering iron”

Put your money where it matters, going forward, not going backwards like other “influencers”!!!
Stay vaped!
Mantente de la mente!
“Almost ready to get FP Vrod and can’t decide on NV vs RDK controller read NV blog as well and still can’t decide lol”
Auber is a lot of bells and whistles, for extra bells and whistles that you don’t really need.
You don’t really need to fiddle with temperatures, that much, to need a rotary knob that adds extra cost.
NV “wired” Vapecode china PID let’s you autotune, that comes very handy to do it, once or twice per month. Somehow, auto tuning restores equilibrium in the
“PID/coil/NV FP head threesome”

Auber is just “bells and whistles” “assembled at north america, but all made with China parts”
Subsidized PID costs more, because “north american slaves” get “better wages”

Vaping since 2009.
Commited to fuck combustion since 2012.
Joined FuckCombustion when I bought my first Arizer Solo, in 2012, after spending days, “reading the whole thread” before making an informed decision.
I have from NV FP lineup,
2x VRODs
1x WE
1x SH
1x D-Cup
2x Double NV Legacy PID
2x Single NV Legacy PID
Since 4/20/18, supporting and recommending NV FP Heads Lineup. VAS killers!!!
“If I’m going to “cackle”, I’ll back it up with actions and proof.
I don’t “cackle for nothing”

“Auber = easy to spin & push dial, made and supported in US”
“Made in the “united states” or “assembled at the united states” with all Chinese parts and electronics??

“Supported” you mean, when your warranty is still ON.
I’m guessing that after warranty expires, you’re SOL or “need to pay for the repair”?
I believe everything works like that in this world “nowadays”, when you talk about “supported”??

p.s: I own an Auber RDK-300 too, that I bought for the Glass Symphony, and I use it with the 710coils 30mm coaxial barrel coil too.
I have no need to use the "rotary dial knob" to change temperatures with the GS nor the coaxial coil for dabbing.
As I don't need to touch any PID temps, nor the Auber nor the NV Vapecodes ones.
But I'm a "seasoned vaporist", and I know how to play with draw speeds, capping or no capping, using different rigs etc etc, so I can take a "low temp hit" by playing with draw speed and fiddling with the FP heads distance to the load, while using the FP head as a "lighter", like a "combustion bong snap"