Well-Known Member
I've had a long 3yr Odyssey of trying to find out what is wrong with me.. I used to work in a highly stressful job at a corporation that had a very negative bullying I know it prob was the shove that got the ball rolling. I've gone from GERD to Its all in your head.. To it is IBS, it's anxiety!..I've had gastric attacks that have sent me to the hospital a few times over the years (they send me home clueless to what's wrong with me). No one listens to me and I have said to my docs my general and GI doc look I know it's more then that.. I did an endoscopy and oh look mild chronic gastritis.. They gave me acid reducers (felt like they did more harm then good) liquid carafate that was supposed to help heal my gastritis(which made me even MORE nauseous taking so stopped that) and I've only gotten worse with time.. This year being the worst as I have nausea every morning and after I eat it goes away for 20mins then comes back.. Other times I have a gnawing acidic feeling I have to eat or else.. Nothing drug wise my doc has thrown at me works and even giving me anti anxiety meds I don't think is going to solve this...I've done every diet under the sun.. Fodmaps seems to be the only thing close enough to being helpful.... Well recently my GI doc says well nothing is working so we must be missing something (ya think?) as things I eat one day are fine the next day aren't fine makes it impossible to figure out what is safe.. So my doc ordered my gall bladder to be checked out.. No stones so then the functionality test was done and found my gall bladder operating at 6%.. I have to have it removed. I am going to talk to a surgeon but also get another GI opinion on the matter as maybe a fresh pair of eyes or more experience can figure out why the nausea is occurring and how to get my life back.. I was a VERY active person and the nausea beast just kills me..hard to get out of bed in the morning.. Mornings I can't eat as my stomach makes me feel ill and tells me I'm full when I am not and just is the worst in trying to function in the morning.. Vaping Herb is the only reason the last few months I have gotten some part of my life back.. It makes the nausea go away and makes me have an appetite/not afraid to eat.. I'm sorry this is long winded and prob a mess to reAd lol it's 1am where I am. It is uncertain whether the Nausea is linked to the Gallbladder issue.. Or the gallbladder not functioning is causing the gastritis (I've read it's known to) I'm hoping in removing it.. It resolves it but there's no guarantee and it's scary for no one to know what is going to help you.. Self medicating is the only way I've had my life back in a sense.. So I guess I'm sharing my story of the battling of the nausea monster.. He's pretty strong and feisty.. It's unrequited love on his part.. He loves me but I can't say I love him back.. He might be starting to get bitter about it :/ lol
Wow Lucky Pucky.....its like hearing someone paraphrase my life. ((((BIG HUGS)))) for all you've have gone through as well. Ive done those tests, ive been on those meds, ive been told im a nutter or attention seeker too