@Vicki I hope you feel better today!I've been really sick the past couple days. Both diarrhea and vomiting really bad. I'm hoping today will be a better day, and that vaporizing will at least help me get out of bed.![]()
@Vicki I hope you feel better today!
I have had no energy at all for the last 3 days. Plus I wake up with a funny stomach!
I ran out of GSC which help's me WAKE & WAKE. However I only had INDICA that I love before bed not during the day. Certainly not a day time strain.
My wife took me to a new dispensary and I reloaded on some GSC and got a sample of PINEAPPLE KUSH to try?
I will try the new batch of GSC this morning a little latter however I feel better today all ready!
I really hope you have a good day today!
It took 10 years to realize it was ATAXIA!My only advice for anyone suffering from nausea is to see a GI doctor, primary care doctors will jusy give you a simple IBS or acid reflux diagnosis without even checking. Have an upper GI done, test for food allergies, do comprehensive blood work (CBC, liver panel, kindey panel, pancreas enzymes, H-Plori, etc...). If all clear then maybe it might be physiological. I know before meetings, presentations, etc..I would get nauseated to the point where I just have to dry heave. I'm a very anxious person. I remember in middle school I would get morning sickness due to anxiety but will eventually go away when I arrived to school.
My only advice for anyone suffering from nausea is to see a GI doctor, primary care doctors will jusy give you a simple IBS or acid reflux diagnosis without even checking. Have an upper GI done, test for food allergies, do comprehensive blood work (CBC, liver panel, kindey panel, pancreas enzymes, H-Plori, etc...). If all clear then maybe it might be physiological. I know before meetings, presentations, etc..I would get nauseated to the point where I just have to dry heave. I'm a very anxious person. I remember in middle school I would get morning sickness due to anxiety but will eventually go away when I arrived to school.
I'm a lot like you are. I started getting anxiety I remember in the 5th grade. I will start thinking about something. Before I know it I'm sick to my stomach I start to perspire. It affects my whole body. I get scatter brained.My only advice for anyone suffering from nausea is to see a GI doctor, primary care doctors will jusy give you a simple IBS or acid reflux diagnosis without even checking. Have an upper GI done, test for food allergies, do comprehensive blood work (CBC, liver panel, kindey panel, pancreas enzymes, H-Plori, etc...). If all clear then maybe it might be physiological. I know before meetings, presentations, etc..I would get nauseated to the point where I just have to dry heave. I'm a very anxious person. I remember in middle school I would get morning sickness due to anxiety but will eventually go away when I arrived to school.
And the problems continue . . . for some reason this apremilast/Otezla I'm taking is turning out to be mutually exclusive with my Celebrex. I had been diluting it with food until the other night when all hell broke loose. Puked all night with a painful "spear through the chest" feeling. I knew it wasn't a heart attack and I wasn't puking blood so I rode it out till Friday morning and went to see my doc instead of going to the ER. They introduced me to the G.I. Cocktail aka "Love Juice". Its oral Lidocaine with some anti-nausea drugs mixed in. Also had a bag of fluids and some IV Zofran so I'm feeling better and getting back to solid food today.
I can relate!I posted this in the Parkinson's thread, but I feel it is appropriate here as well.
What It’s Really Like To Be Chronically Ill
Society’s recent obsession with cancer stories and movies like The Fault in Our Stars made me realize that the average person doesn’t know what it’s really like to be sick. Chronically sick. What it’s like to wake up every morning and know you’re never going to get better. No amount of medicine, doctors, surgeries, and procedures can fix you.
I think the reason why people today love to hear about cancer stories is because they are just that. They are stories. They have a beginning, middle, and an end. While that end may not be a happy one, people are satisfied with closure. But my story doesn’t have an end. And people don’t seem to like stories without an ending.
Being sick isn’t as glamorous as they make it out to be in the movies. And unlike cancer perks, there are no “chronic illness perks.” Except maybe those really good lollipops at the doctor’s office. Those are definitely a perk.
The worst part about being chronically sick isn’t the physical pain, it’s the emotional pain that goes along with it. You reach a point where you can’t hold back the tears any longer and suddenly you’re breaking down in the middle of a doctor’s office. You think you can escape the emotional torture; your disease is purely physical, right?
The worst part is that there is no escape. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. There is no happy ending. There is no way to make the incurable go away. We learn to tolerate the physical pain. You have to. But it’s the overwhelming emotional burden that makes you feel like someone is holding your head down in the water. You can fight it, but you can never overcome that crushing feeling. How are you supposed to get rid of an emotional suffocation when the source of it is never going to go away?
Being sick is being stuck in the eternal clutch of the unknown. Any day anything could go wrong, or at least more wrong than it already has. It’s so hard not to feel anxious or depressed or completely lost when all that lies ahead is a giant question mark. You rarely seem to get answers when you are sick. And when you do, they’re often the answers you wish you hadn’t heard any way.
There’s one thing every single sick person wishes for, but rarely gets. Hope. Hope that one day things will get better. Hope that there will finally be a day when your pain is a zero on that silly little scale. Hope that one day you’ll get a glimpse of normal.
I know technically being sick means my genes suck or my body just plain hates me, but somehow being sick has made me better. I may be biased, but I think that sick people — especially young sick people — are some of the best people you will ever meet. Now don’t get me wrong, healthy people are great too. But when you’re sick, you understand things that other people might take for granted.
You learn to love every good second, every good minute, of any of those few good days you might have. You don’t fear death because you’ve already stared it straight in the face quite a few times. You know it’s not important to dwell on the little things. You have more important things to worry about.
So as many times as I’ve wished to be normal for even just a day, I’ve appreciated my life, both the good and the bad, so much more as a chronically ill young person that I ever could have as a regular teenager.
Being sick makes you strong. Being sick makes you weak. Being sick gives you insight and knowledge about life as it eats away at your own. Being sick is the greatest blessing in disguise. It is so much more than just having an illness. It’s having your entire life be taken out of your control, and fighting to get it back. And that fight will never end.
GestaltBeing sick makes..........
Being sick makes..........
Being sick gives you.......
Being sick is........
I suffer too!There is a total essence.
an entirety, to be considered.
The parts do not represent the whole, for the reason Vicki states.
My wife... and every soul I deal with knows me only since I became burdened with the monster.
My 84 year old Doctor of 20 years is the only person that knows the old Vito.... monster-free...
Things change.
monster is as much a part of me as my love, my joy and my tears.
When I study my totality, and accept my very essence, I accept the monster as I accept pain, and joy.
My monster, my Gestalt.
God bless you too man. I'm experiencing daily chronic pain in my upper body and back, and I wonder how people live with it. These types of illnesses, they are very isolating! But we have to remember that millions of people experience them at varying degrees of intensity and we have to cope and stay strong.I've been suffering from nausea for the past 7 years as well.. I don't know what to do.. I took two hits from my bowl as usual, did not vape and I've been having dizzy/ having motion sickness for the past two days. It comes and goes.. Sometimes all day, sometimes a few hours.. Its driving me insane. I've tried to stop smoking to see if it was from the earth but i still get it from time to time...yesterday was the worst, I threw up my lunch and I thought I was going to faint. Body got cold but I was sweating a lot. Sometimes I'll smoke alottt and feel nothing but bliss..Sometimes I'll take one puff off the vape or bowl and I'll feel like throwing up all day. Went to the ER they ran cat scans xrays blood work they dont see anything wrong it ruins my ability to work and sometimes I get agitated and I hate it. I've had to call in sic from time to time. I've read it could be from low serotonin? What can I do to help my situation?? I'm the only one out of my group that gets this way.. I'm relieved and yet devasted that others are suffering from the same pain.God bless everyone
It sounds very obscure! I don't know.. How unpredictable and debilitating that sounds.. Ugh..Should I stop combusting? At social events its usually pipes bongs joints etc... I've tried not using using herb staying sober for over half a year because of my naseau thinking it would help but I still get motion sickness from time to time.. Even when i vape there's times where I feel motion sickness all day. Any suggestions,tips, specialist I should see? There's times where I won't feel it for months and there's times where I'll feel it everyday for months.. I know everyone is fighting their battles. I hope we can all make it together. Also if you see this OF. I hope you are well sir I haven't been on here in a year but still think about all the advice you've given me. God bless everyone. God bless America. Goodnight from the east coast.
It sounds very obscure! I don't know.. How unpredictable and debilitating that sounds.. Ugh..
This is going on a hunch, but you may be off balance in some aspect of your life. Are there any stressors that you deal with as a normal part of your life that just 'don't sit well' with you? Does anything come to mind? A toxic relationship, an unresolved issue, a painful job, something you are in denial of or supressing? Anything that you have learn to live with that you are unable to overcome due to lack of acceptance skills?
There may be a catalyst that is causing your life to intermittently spiral out of control and buckle under the pressure of something happening in your emotional or spiritual body, which is manifesting in the form of a physical sickness.
I may be wrong and I hate to sound presumptuous but I'm just thinking outside the box. And in regards to your question 'should I stop combusting?'.. Fuck yes, you should stop. Everyone should stop!
edit: It may also be a middle-ear infection or fluid in balance! That can cause those symptoms at random times with extreme severity! Thanks for the memory cue @t-dub . My mum has Vertigo and get's it randomly, and she'll be stuck in bed for 3-4 days at a time unable to eat!