I am blessed.
I feel so lucky for a number of things
I am fortunate to have my wife as my life partner.
I am blessed to have met you here on FC.. all of you guys that share this burden.
Sometimes you Fuckers make me cry when I read about your day if it is bad... that makes me blessed too.. for I realize I have the support of community, that I never have met in person.
I am lucky to have the monster in my life too.. because only now do I really appreciate my less "medically involved" days and therefore my memories feel to me very golden. I think some people do not treat their memories as though they are precious.
I am lucky to have all sorts of vapes in my life. This gives me choice.... haha.. the illusion of freedom.
I have freedom to choose which vape, that is. Free Will is a psychological slice of freedom, and so by small acts of free will ... like choosing between a half dozen vaporizers.. my psyche is fed a positive reinforcement..
and my subconscious registers this perception of freedom.
The end result of the choices that I do have being such joyous choices (IE: which vape to choose), is the end result that any fully healthy man/woman could want.
That is good dreams!
In spite of being disabled, and wrought with pain... and limited in how far I can go from my home...
I have no nightmares of captivity, or restriction.
Thank you FC friends..
Knowing that others understand is a good thing.
The monster, Nausea hath caused a bond.
Bonded through illness? What nonsense this?
For we mock so openly thou loathsome beast.
No fear have we now of thy hideous kiss.
Our mockery doth bring tearful release.
Moving on....
I love this friggin' Zephyr Ion.
It is like a heat gun vape built into a solid brick wall!.
I cut the 6 foot bag down to a more manageable size... 5 feet, 7 inches.
Having the bag 5 inches longer than I am tall was tipping me over when I tried to stand.
The physics is obvious.
So my 6 foot bag is now exactly my height. 5 feet 7 inches.
Now I can stand up and vape the thing without it damaging all the local flora and fauna.
Did I use the 5 foot 7 inch bag this morning?
You bet your shiny highknee (
) I did.
Filled with Blue Dream too!
I hope some of you feel as peaceful, or at least that you will soon.
Have a great day all of you.
Feel good and keep selves feeling well!
I feel so lucky for a number of things
I am fortunate to have my wife as my life partner.
I am blessed to have met you here on FC.. all of you guys that share this burden.
Sometimes you Fuckers make me cry when I read about your day if it is bad... that makes me blessed too.. for I realize I have the support of community, that I never have met in person.
I am lucky to have the monster in my life too.. because only now do I really appreciate my less "medically involved" days and therefore my memories feel to me very golden. I think some people do not treat their memories as though they are precious.
I am lucky to have all sorts of vapes in my life. This gives me choice.... haha.. the illusion of freedom.
I have freedom to choose which vape, that is. Free Will is a psychological slice of freedom, and so by small acts of free will ... like choosing between a half dozen vaporizers.. my psyche is fed a positive reinforcement..
and my subconscious registers this perception of freedom.
The end result of the choices that I do have being such joyous choices (IE: which vape to choose), is the end result that any fully healthy man/woman could want.
That is good dreams!
In spite of being disabled, and wrought with pain... and limited in how far I can go from my home...
I have no nightmares of captivity, or restriction.
Thank you FC friends..
Knowing that others understand is a good thing.
The monster, Nausea hath caused a bond.
Bonded through illness? What nonsense this?
For we mock so openly thou loathsome beast.
No fear have we now of thy hideous kiss.
Our mockery doth bring tearful release.
Moving on....
I love this friggin' Zephyr Ion.
It is like a heat gun vape built into a solid brick wall!.
I cut the 6 foot bag down to a more manageable size... 5 feet, 7 inches.
Having the bag 5 inches longer than I am tall was tipping me over when I tried to stand.
The physics is obvious.
So my 6 foot bag is now exactly my height. 5 feet 7 inches.
Now I can stand up and vape the thing without it damaging all the local flora and fauna.
Did I use the 5 foot 7 inch bag this morning?
You bet your shiny highknee (

Filled with Blue Dream too!
I hope some of you feel as peaceful, or at least that you will soon.
Have a great day all of you.
Feel good and keep selves feeling well!

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