Ay update on the ccells from Dab spot
I'm waiting for my order from shopapex.
Any more feedback?
Tip hints How refillable are they?
Easier the 2nd refill?
I had been wanting to see
@Tokin_Jbyrd 's update with the melo tank / vaporesso cCell coil as well, but like many casual FC posters, here one week,
gone forever the next week.
I had also used this same tank / coil setup with co2 oil,
if you want to see how it turned out :
The info regarding tanks and concentrates for tanks is horribly disorganized on these forums, so I don't fault you for not having found that.
spoiler :
it leaks, it sucks, i wouldn't bother.
(it really leaks)
Beware: the manufacturer (weeplus) and wholesaler (apexlabs) of the CCELL CBD carts that Dabspot pushes soo hard are misleading us. I purchased several and pulled them apart, which we should all do before we begin to use a new device. Although it is true that they have porous (black ceramic) at its core (which admittedly is innovative for these type carts), there is some type of white hard material encased around it, which is all wrapped with cotton or sometype of fiber material. The white ceramic, though is very soft to where I was able to put a deep scratch in it with light pressure from a scratch awl. I emailed directly with the manufacturer and spoke directly with someone from apex and got the same statement - "ceramic only".
I can't speak to the health factor of all this - that is up to each individual. But this amounts to a significant amount of false advertising that directly impacts our health, and for that factor alone, I am reluctant to give them any of my cash.
FYI Some further info I recently obtained from weeplus:
"Vaporesso also use CCELL technology, but just in e-cig industry. Vaporesso and us are two independent departments of our company Shenzhen Smoore Technology LTD. "
and after I inquired about the cotton:
"We don't have wick in the cart, but actually it has a white layer of cotton to protect the ceramic core and absorb the oil.
Please check attached pics, If you can find CCELL logo laser engraving outside or ccell and batch code at the bottom of the cart, it is real ccell product. we have patent of it and other ones can't copy the brand. "
I also share your skepticism regarding these types of porous, soft-ceramic (silica) ceramic heaters for "vape pens" especially after I saw 2clicker's link to an article about the potential hazard of silica dust from these type of ceramic heaters. Virtually all tank products of this type calling themselves "cCell" use this type of silica ceramic heater, which is a different type of ceramic than the more durable, less porous, alumina ceramic heaters you see in load-n-go 510 concentrate vapes that you see from many companies such as DT, HVT, Source, Yocan, Puffco, etc, etc....
Although alumina is still
somewhat porous (much less so than silica) they tend to have much shorter, less exposed, heat-conducting wires, and tend to make a much superior vapor quality over generic silica cCells.
A ceramic silica cylinder "cCell" is pictured on the left, with alumina ceramic donuts to the right of that. Zoom in, you can see the rough, dusty texture even on a
new, un-used silica cylinder, versus the relatively smooth alumina donuts (which have been tested-dabbed on, for the markings)
Alumina is also much more resistant to scraping / flaking off particles. It can take some modest abrasion and won't emit dust.
These are the best
readily available materials for making heaters for concentrate RTAs, IMO. I wish there were some tanks that already used these type of alumina ceramic heaters, but there are none, apparently.
So I have been making my own for nearly a year now, and I'm trying to develop this into a mass-produced product that everyone can buy.
The standard vape pen gear for concentrates out there saturating the market is largely unhealthy, combustible, clogging, leaking garbage.
I'm looking for something to take with me that's simple like a small mod or a pen,
I already dab lucid concentrates 91% thc ( a little live resin for taste) & I'd like to put
it in something to take out to the Tennis court ect..
You seem to know the feel & taste I'd like to achieve.
Thx for any help oe ideas
Steering you back over to that thread...but if you're willing to do a box mod,
it seems the vaporesso veco tank is a good choice for distillate on an RTA with cCells, temp control, top filling and air, that is leak-proof.
Another guy on that thread was talking about the "honey stick" (I think you were asking about that one too, tennis g) and basically said it didn't work that well with his rosin / PEG solution. Looks like a tank with good design features, but crappy (silica ceramic / cotton wick) coils.
Interesting, I thought distillate would be too thick compared to something like ejuice. Raw distillate is pretty thick. Tried a few ones around here.
Burned cotton doesn't sound very exciting though, although the leaking part isn't too far off from my V3.
Bummer. Oh well, at least I didn't pay anything for it.
Hey...bump up. Now that I've seen many different batches of distillates since this message, of different consistences (terpene dilutation levels) I can see how "pure" distillate can be a little on the thick side, but it should still be no more viscous than a moderate-thick co2 oil, which I've had no problem vaping on my modified cubis tanks. (we are talking holes drilled in the case for wicking however)
Distillate with the flavor / terpenes added seems to be standard, however, I haven't seen a "pure" unflavored "clear" for a few years now, it seems people want the flavor, even if fake, and it naturally makes it more suitable to tanks.
But on my comment on the burned cotton, that was my greater concern with your baby beast tank.
A fine tank for nicotine e-juice vaping, I'm sure, but with such huge atomizer coils with so much cotton, even with adequate wicking holes, this type of e-cig RTA gear often struggles to "wick up" and avoid dry burns with concentrates that are not HEAVILY diluted, even with TC and cCells.
The cotton in those coils for that baby beast tank can probably absorb nearly a gram of distillate alone

not to mention it may have poor "scavenging" to pick up those last few drops of distillate in the tank to wet the coil and vape up, and generally be inefficient
Others are much more tolerant to cotton than I am, it seems, but I am of the opinion that
cotton is a horrible wicking choice for conduction, e-cig type vaping of concentrates (for
convection, non-e-cig, cotton is not so bad)
It simply gets crisped up and degraded very quickly with repeated heat cycles, even with controlled, moderate TC heat. Burn it up, it's obviously worse, and doesn't even function as a wick, but only as a poor-taste and carbon transferring medium. And the rest of the puffs on your tank will taste like an ash tray with a burned-up cotton wick. Cotton on a tank, functions as a reclaim sponge,
at best.
For RTA coils for concentrates, I recommend straight going
straight wickless (no cotton or nothing) or to use
readyxwick cured ceramic fiber wick. You can put a butane torch to this stuff, and you will burn it clean, not destroy it.