Rexcornish on IG, Vaping since '02
Is WL a peg400 based solution?
Wow, that is nasty!Did you keep the switch closed for a long draw? That's where TC helps. Can you drip with this? You won't need to drip that frequently. IME, flavor degrades in the tank.
I think its 300-400-500Is WL a peg400 based solution?
I have been thinking about getting a little 22mm dripper. Any suggestions?
First off congrats on your success. Here is key points we need. How long did that last you before it got bad. Also if vaping at lower temps i believe its possible to vape off more WL than concentrate leaving it behind to gunk up coils. Maybe try a higher watt.
I think its 300-400-500
Why everyone pay so much for WL if its just peg based product?
Peg400 is really Cheap and you don't have to use banana flavour or whatever.
I was curious about those pens. I have a cloud v phantom dry herb vape. I was curious if it would work as a concentrate pen? It has 3 temp settings. I have no problem buying a pen but there is a shit ton of them out.Thanks @Dabuisnez just curious as to what's going in in the THC ejuice world ATM.
Ive tried myself and personally I much prefer just to use pure extract in an oil pen and load as I go for many reasons.
The only reason I'd use ejuice is if I was flying abroad with it.
So came time for my last batch. Made a awesome batch. Cleaned my tank really well and loaded a new coil. Filled it up and waited for 30 mins. Came back to it and ughhhhhh. Something was wrong. It was hitting hella harsh and didn't taste like strawberry's. So after being pissed off cause i knew i was about to take a loss i began to troubleshoot. First was the possibility that i had used reg WL. Completely possible. Second was a bad coil which also isn't out of the question. Third was the very strong possibility that it was the presoaked coil that made it work. So in the mad fury that i was in i came up with a new idea. I added a small amount of what i knew 100% was strawberry WL and 10 drops of strawberry concentrate i had for ejuice. Heated and mixed, added new coil and i presoaked it in e juice. Voila it hit good but not as potent. Still worked. But i hit a prob i hadn't had before and that was my coil got gunked up and the cotton is a terrible color. i think that came from the flavor concentrate though.
Well i made my batch tonight and i made a 1.2 WL to 0.6 rosin from gorilla glue strain and it went perfect. I loaded it with new coil. Hits smooth and is very potent!! Im going to go ahead and call it a success now. If i change anything now it may be to less powerful coil. Q2 or M2 for baby beast. Here is some pics. I have tinted glass for extra stealth
So to recap my success is with Smok baby beast using X4 coil running at 40 watts. 2-3 second hits. Smooth with no harshness or burned taste. Total cost for each batch like this is 40 bucks which will last 7 days. That includes cost of a new coil each tank at 3 bucks a coil and 1.50 for WL added in aswell. To me thats perfectly acceptable. Happy vaping guys. Feel free to PM if anyone needs help.
I did not presoak that time. I believe i had a bad coil that run. I havent kept track of tokes but im on day 5 now with prob alittle under a mill left. Still a day or so left in tank. This is only my 4th time running this tank. So far it hasn't gotten darker like my last run. I dont think dirty concentrate will matter. The wicking holes in a beast coil are massive. Debris wont affect it unless extreme.I was re reading this post and wanted to ask something... when you started this new batch, cleaned your tank, filled it up and let it sit for 30mins.... did you pre-soak your coil as you installed it?
So this is kind of what happened to my coil when it got all black, I haven't posted again yet, but I did re-wick with less wick than before and only used a small amount of juice.... went black again after a few As of right now, fuck this clapton build... and the thing is I'm not even going over 4v!
So I'm most likely going to get a baby beast asafp and some of the Q2 coils, I see that they make them in .4 and .6 ohm. The .6 as of now I believe is the highest resistance offered so far.
So when you made this newer batch with the gorilla glue rosin. How many 2-3 sec pulls you think you get out of this ~2ml ?
At the end of the tank, do you just keep firing until you get dry hits and try to get the last bits?
And you go through the whole tank with zero discoloration?
At the end of the tank when you look at your coil head, is it black at all? Or similar to if you just vaped some nic juice? (I don't use nicotine so I don't know how dark they normally would get). Haha sorry for the rapid fire of questions.
The "clumping" is a product of not mixing it well enough at a high enough heat. The concentrates *look* dissolved much faster than they actually fall into solution. I do the following protocol (now):
1. .5ml : 1g concentrates
2. Put EJMix into shotglass
3. Put water into large measuring cup
4. Heat water in microwave to boiling. Remove.
5. Heat EJMix in microwave for 15 seconds on high.
6. Put shotglass into measuring cup. Drop 1/4g into mix. Stir. Stir a lot.
7. Repeat 5-6 until all concentrate goes into solution. Keep stirring.
8. Stir for 10 minutes. Keep the water in the cup hot -- microwave if you need to. Microwave the mix for 10 seconds every once in a while.
It's a little more involved than the label, but it seems to be working much better for me. I've also noticed that I can force some of the mix back into the wick by covering the "active" draw-through hole with my finger and continuing to draw.
I think adding a skosh more PEG might work too, but I'm still working on balancing that out. But yeah, I have that problem a fair bit.
I did not presoak that time. I believe i had a bad coil that run. I havent kept track of tokes but im on day 5 now with prob alittle under a mill left. Still a day or so left in tank. This is only my 4th time running this tank. So far it hasn't gotten darker like my last run. I dont think dirty concentrate will matter. The wicking holes in a beast coil are massive. Debris wont affect it unless extreme.
Nice! So on average you puff a few times in the morning, maybe some after lunch, and then again a couple times at night....type thing? Or just ripping one hitts 2-3 times per day?
Also, I kind of noticed, and was wondering if you noticed; that the high doesn't last as long...ish.
Thanks for your responces.
First off many thx for your contributions. Even failures can be lessons learned for someone new. I am sorry that we all couldn't nail this down but i feel like we are close. Currently i am on a decent streak with my equipment and hopefully with a few new ideas i can provide that consistency your looking for. By all means dont disappear on us. Even if you aren't experimenting we could still use your help.Haven't had time to post my concluding thoughts here, after my venture a month ago with Wax Liquidizer and the cubis equipment I had purchased.
After 1.5-2 days of use I experienced flooding, sputtering, and leaking. Again. And again. And again. I'm done with this experimenting as I am sick and tired of wasting time and money, even when this shit works. I want something that works well and consistently, I'm happy to wait and simply not use cannabis when I'm in a place where I can't do so easily (I'm in Europe right now), and in the meantime my concentrate and flower portables will be the cheapest and most effective tools.
Best of luck to everyone here, I admire your tenacity and commitment to this method but count me out for a little while.
Haven't had time to post my concluding thoughts here, after my venture a month ago with Wax Liquidizer and the cubis equipment I had purchased.
After 1.5-2 days of use I experienced flooding, sputtering, and leaking. Again. And again. And again. I'm done with this experimenting as I am sick and tired of wasting time and money, even when this shit works. I want something that works well and consistently, I'm happy to wait and simply not use cannabis when I'm in a place where I can't do so easily (I'm in Europe right now), and in the meantime my concentrate and flower portables will be the cheapest and most effective tools.
Best of luck to everyone here, I admire your tenacity and commitment to this method but count me out for a little while.
Love the pink though! My Smok setup looks very similarHey all. So here is yet another experiment and so far a successful one! Still in beta.
Recently I randomly watched a video on YouTube by "IndoorTokers" and the "Dab Spot", and they were talking about a new disposable oil cartridge made with a subohm ccell ceramic coil. They also mentioned that this company also makes coils for regular vapeing (non weed). This got me researching....
I came across these ceramic Ccell coils (these are not new and some of you may of heard of them).....Aaaannnddd the coolest part is that these coils fit me Melo 3 tank that came with my iStck Pico kit! They also fit a bunch of other tanks too (like 20+ tanks. Scroll down in this thread for a list )
These coils have both bad and really good reviews, however I decided to get a pack and try them. I knew that I wanted to start using TC so i decided to go with the .6 ohm SS ccell coils.
(Nevermind the pink setup. I got the same Pico kit for my sister in laws bday and been testing it out in her rig before giving it to her)
Needless to say, I made another batch of juice. I had 1ml left over from my gorilla glue batch (that I felt needed to be better mixed) and .5 grams of OG wax, so I mixed the .5 OG with 1ml of regular WL and my left over Gorilla batch. Ended up with almost 3ml total.
As a side note: about every 3rd review on these coils is a bad one saying that they can't get these coils to prime properly. I also found a comment that helped me with that issue. You need to slowly build up your watts/temp as your priming the coil. The heat allows the ceramic and juice to heat up and aid with wicking. So I did that, put the tank on, filled it up (with only half my juice, just incase) and let it sit for a few as I continued to slowly pulse the coil to ensure good saturation.
So far its way better than my other tank, and there is no sign of color change in the tank. When you look at these coils, you can't see any cotton (however I think there is a thin layer on the outside of the ceramic coil)and I think this will help with this issue. Also, TC is the shit, and so much more consistent! It's a must. Been in the range of 420° -450° and I also been messing around with the TCR setting. The Pico I believe is set for ss316, and these coils (along with almost all ss coils and wire available) are ss316L. Not a big difference, but can notice a difference when I change the value. I'm at 150TCR value. Supposedly these coils last a long time, I'll keep you posted as I refill. I'm about to add the rest of my batch (~1ml), but will probably dilute it a little bit with my banana WL. This batch is getting me blown after like 2 rips. Sometimes I want to be able to puff on it a few more times, plus it will last me a little longer.
I wanted to share this in hopes you too have a tank that takes these coils, that way you can try this out too.
My next experiment is trying using the ss notch coils with ekowool hollow wick in my day soon.
Well, till next time!
Oil is very common and known method. Most here are attempting to use concentrate as in wax, rosin ect. For what ever reason seems to be a tougher method.Been doing QWET with excellent results. Frozen Grey Wolfe method. I mix two,/three,/or four parts Vapeur Extract , with .5 Holy Terp to one part concentrate. First rinse mixes to a golden transparent e-juice. Quite effective medicine. The Gold first rinse I vape in both a Aspire K1 and a Kangertech Mini (sub?)tank II. Both on twist sticks at 3.2. Both better than any dispensary product i've consumed. Smooth and silky really fantastic. Second rinse mixed same ratios prepares an amber transparent e-juice. I use a Smok osub 80 for the second amber rinse e-juice. This too is also better than any cannabis medicine product i've consumed. Second rinse amber in the Smok with the Baby beast is my rescue unit. When I need relief fast I use the Smok at seven to eight watts works everytime. Allows me to wait for the pharmacutical to kick in without needing a hospital visit. So anyway the products and procedure has provided me with a CONSISTENT(ly) medicine Perhaps you should give it a try if you haven't already. B well and Good Luck.
Most here are attempting to use concentrate as in wax, rosin ect. For what ever reason seems to be a tougher method.