I just picked up a matrix ion!
Video or it didn't happen,

I just picked up a matrix ion!
the binary is a matrix perc cut in half, one half at the bottom the second on the top. the 50A/50T has a thinner diameter tube and smaller percs. You have to be really carefull with either as it was easy to get splashback. The binary also has a little chug vs the zero resistance other matrix percs, I really like the chug. Talking to several people in the shop that had or have tried both they said there is less diffusion with the binary which results in more flavor. The binary also feels much beefier than the 50A/T (though all pieces are top quality)
I think good places online are and It's really best to see the pieces in person though. You might like the Trichrome with Trichrome percs - the Trichrome is available with a very small stereo matrix perc or with the 'trichrome' perc which is like a retti (lower diffusion, more flavor) and the piece is fairly small. Also both the neutron and atom are very small, though I've only seen them with Matrix percs.Thanks. Where is best place online to look at new pieces.
I have a Ion Matrix and love it.
Anything new with less diffusion, can be smaller volume, max taste?
Sounds like this binary may be it??
Atom interested me but not sure on it
there is a bit of restriction when you first start to draw. the 50A/T are significantly smaller than the 60T/65T and I was not able to use much water before getting splashback.Has anyone had a chance to try the new Mobius Stereo 50A/50T? I'm wondering how it compares to the 60T/65T since it's smaller..
Bassplayer, what do you mean by chug?
there is a bit of restriction when you first start to draw. the 50A/T are significantly smaller than the 60T/65T and I was not able to use much water before getting splashback.
The binary is much different IMO, it has a 60mm can, it's basically about 1/2 the height of a 60T. It's my favorite piece. No splashback even with the water up to the level of the reinforcement weld. I used to have a 60T, I liked it well enough but I like the Binary much more.That's what I was worried about.. but I can't find a 60T anywhere. Wonder why they reduced the size in their new line.
I noticed that in almost all of the videos of the 50A, people were getting splashback. Does the binary have that problem as well or is it better with it?
I've had both. 60T has a much taller can and IMO zero restriction - you simply breathe in normally. The binary has a bit of restriction. I guess the binary would be less diffusion because instead of having two matix percs it has one matrix perc that's been cut in half - one half is at the bottom and the other on top.Thanks! I'm still torn between the 60T ($350) and the binary ($550), but this was helpful.
I've been LOVING my cheap china quartz banger - Haven't used Ti since I got them:hey gots the 60b and matrix clear bub. Both are 18mm. Noob to the whole concentrate, was wondering whats the best type of adapter or nail you guys use and suggest? some links would be cool. Thanks!
So a better setup (This is the one I actually use):Not too good with links.... but I must suggest ALWAYS using an adapter between Lord Mobius and ANYTHING you're going to heat with a torch. Don't put any heat stress on your Mobius, or any nice glass for that matter.
For vaping flowers, I'd say the ion is a great choice for size and function.what do you guys think is better for flowers?
For vaping flowers, I'd say the ion is a great choice for size and function.
I ended up selling my 60t, haven't considered selling my clear or ion...Really? Better then the stereo matrix? Why? Anyone else chime in please, the stereo matrix is such a popular piece there has to be more opinions out there!
I ended up selling my 60t, haven't considered selling my clear or ion...
The stereo matrix is a sweet perc, it's got a really nice draw once you've got all the water moving, but there's that little hint of chuggy drag at the beginning of the hit until that water is moving.
The clear and ion just have a supersweets mouth (Goddamn autocorrect...)sweet, smooth draw the whole time...
Imo, if you're interested in any of them, you'll be happy with them, just don't expect a stereo matrix to be 2x as "good" as a single matrix - they're just different perc types.
Stereo Matrix = more diffusion and LESS flavor (large size and lots of diffusion)