RGB1616, i can't tell you what you will like or need but i can tell you my experience.
I vaporize flower with the Arizer Solo.
I bought both Ion and Clear because i couldn't figure out which one i need.
I found that the Clear suits better my needs.
The ergonomic is much better. I like the position and the size of the mouth piece.
The Ion is too low, i have to bend too much to reach it.
You can hold it in your hand but i prefer to have it flat on my desk.
I tried to put a wooden base for having the right height but i still like the Clear better.
Also i like the feeling of my hand on the higher and bigger can (75mm vs 65mm).
It is more comfortable when i pull up the Solo with the thumb to improve the airflow.
About the percolation, to me the difference is very subtil and they are both amazin.
I don't like one more than the other.
I also own a Black Leaf Nautilus (inline perc) and found it great... until i have the Mobius.
Now it's collecting dust. I keep to use it once in a while to remember how much better my daily driver is.
My next step is to find a better bubbler (custom order) and then sell the Ion.
For now it is only a backup if i break the Clear.
And by the way, i'm also on T break since a week.