Mobius Glass


Well-Known Member
That is one beautiful piece

Thanks, I agree! I wasn't expecting to fall in love at first sight/hit but man, have I ever! Love the goofy shaped mouthpiece as well I'm used to the mouthpiece on my LW-15 arm which I have to put my mouth over, its nice to have one you put your lips in to keep slobber off (or chapstick since I use it frequently in the winter). Can't get over the performance of this thing, not to mention how perfectly everything is put together. The perc is absolutely flawless.

I don't have to worry about tipping it over because the base is so huge. Man I really hope that everyone who wants one of these is able to find one at some point. I'm going to keep my eyes for ones on sale and give you guys a heads up if I find one.


Active Member
I wish they'd put the Ion base on the Clear though.
This is the only thing that kept me from getting the Clear instead of the Ion.
The Ion has such a low center of gravity because of the smaller design and then stuck on a 60t base. I can do one of those "jump on the bed wine commercials" with it and it never tips. I've literally fell asleep with it and it didn't tip over.

It's nice and short too, which I really like.
I don't have to worry about tipping it over because the base is so huge.


in flavor country
I really liked using the Ion as a hand held, works really well with the solo. The clear is actually a good size to pick up as well, I like how the bend in the stem rests nicely on the hand. The ion is def. better size/weight for hand held use. One of these days I might just get another one, I did love that piece, just not as my main driver.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know a place that has the matrix clear in stock?

What's the opinion on the Ion with the Reti that Aqualabs has in stock?? Good choice for vapor??

What's the general opinion on the Reti vs Matrix perc??

I wanna try a mobius, but it's hard to decide and even harder to find stuff in stock.
If I could get what I want, it would probably be the clear matrix. But I never tried one, just going by the reviews here.

Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
I noticed that with the Ion compared to my old Luke Wilson bubbler, it doesn't look like there is as much vapor in the can. However when I exhale its a giant cloud that I literally cannot feel on my throat/lungs whatsoever. I'm assuming the can size is a little bigger on the Ion so it doesn't milk up as much, combined with the amazing diffusion, allows me to take massive hits that are not warm or irritating at all.

The lack of drag with the Ion makes it so the vape doesn't stay in the can as long and it's going straight to my lungs without having to pull the slide out. I really can't get over how I can take a huge rip, not feel a thing, and blow out a massive cloud that kicks my head clean off of my body.

Needless to say, best piece I've ever hit!


Active Member
Hey reveen, sounds like we're rocking the same setup. ExtremeQ to ion ? What temperature do you prefer?
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Well-Known Member
I start at 185, then 205, and again at 230. My herb is pretty dark brown after that. How about you?

Love this combo!


Active Member
before i picked up the mobius, i was starting lower, especially if using a whip.

with the ion, now i start at 200 and then jump to 210 & 220.

if you can see in my avatar (old glass), i'm just using 2 of those 90 degree bends with about 4" of hose.

how are you feeding your ion from the Q ?


My latest pickup from ALT :D
The size pairs well with the solo (The drag from the solo stops it from firing fully, but I like the pairing)

Is that the PlanetVape adapter I keep hearing about?

Really interested in picking up a solo but not sure if I really need a portable. Would like to see a vid too, :brow: .

Btw, your solo looks like its making this face at me, :|


Active Member
so when i first got my ion, i wanted to actually see the visible vapor inside the gorgeous glass even more, so unlike the lower temp whip technique, i just started at 200.

i gotta thank reevus. bumped it down to 185 and see i was def missing a little magic in the flavor by skipping past the less visible vapor levels. :cheers:
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Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
Is that the PlanetVape adapter I keep hearing about?

Really interested in picking up a solo but not sure if I really need a portable. Would like to see a vid too, :brow: .

Btw, your solo looks like its making this face at me, :|
Yep, it's a 18mm GonG PVHES

I'll be able to record a couple of vids next week, I'll make sure ion + solo is one of them :tup:


I am almost tempted by the Ion Reti. It's <$300, offers a smaller volume and the reti perc..... must resist GAS......:ugh:

Just ordered a new grinder, maybe that will feed my ASOFCVEAS (As Seen On Fuck Combustion Vapor Equipment Acquisition Syndrome) :lol:

I thought switching to Vaporizing was supposed to save me money, :doh:. Living healthy is costly, but a little now will save you tons later, :cheers:


Well-Known Member
I am almost tempted by the Ion Reti. It's <$300, offers a smaller volume and the reti perc..... must resist GAS......:ugh:

Just ordered a new grinder, maybe that will feed my ASOFCVEAS (As Seen On Fuck Combustion Vapor Equipment Acquisition Syndrome) :lol:

I thought switching to Vaporizing was supposed to save me money, :doh:. Living healthy is costly, but a little now will save you tons later, :cheers:

I've also been considering picking up a reti but I have spent enough lately. All these videos just add fuel to the fire!! I am definitely anxious to hear more comparisons between the Ion reti and matrix percs.

Curious, what kind of grinder did you buy? I made a trip to LHS couple days ago to pick up a bigger Santa Cruz Shredder and happened to meet the inventor - I think he owns the shop. I highly recommend the shredder, leaves the material nice and fluffy.


....but I have spent enough lately.

Same here, :). And I keep eyeing the cloud. :drool:

Curious, what kind of grinder did you buy?

Funny you should say that, I fell in love with the SC Shredder the first time I saw one. Pulled the trigger on a medium Blue 4-piece. I've been using a small grinder since I started vaping, I'm sure a medium is all I need.

So the inventor owns a LHS? That would be pretty sweet, meet some cool individuals.


Out to lunch
Okay, I went ahead and ordered that Ion Reti. I hope it lives up to the expectations
I have the reti perc, and I can't imagine not being happy with it unless you don't like the can size, although I'm sure some are picky enough to not like the bubble size or formation. The matrix perc is nicer to look at but in actual use some prefer the reti. Either version is a pleasure to use and if the difference really demands an answer then buy both. A slightly used Ion is always easy to sell.


Well-Known Member
Just picked this up from a LHS :D



Well-Known Member
I have the reti perc, and I can't imagine not being happy with it unless you don't like the can size, although I'm sure some are picky enough to not like the bubble size or formation. The matrix perc is nicer to look at but in actual use some prefer the reti. Either version is a pleasure to use and if the difference really demands an answer then buy both. A slightly used Ion is always easy to sell.

Thanks for the info, I think I will pull the trigger eventually but I got my eye on something else first though. I have a spare Ion matrix, so some day I may sell that one and pick up the reti. I don't like having two of the same piece but I am just a little worried of an accident and being without. Redundancy... If the reti has more flavor and is smooth, then I am sure I will like it and it would be a sufficient backup or better.

Funny you should say that, I fell in love with the SC Shredder the first time I saw one. Pulled the trigger on a medium Blue 4-piece. I've been using a small grinder since I started vaping, I'm sure a medium is all I need.

So the inventor owns a LHS? That would be pretty sweet, meet some cool individuals.

Yeah, it is a place in San Jose and is called Up In Smoke - and that is the story I was told. I am pretty sure he was the owner because he gave me a good deal on a worked inline piece. I actually went there a couple months ago to get a different grinder and one of the guys was pushing the SC shredder. So glad I took his advice. I started with the really small one and just picked up the medium sized one Thursday. He had one in there he said would fit over 20 grams (can't remember exact number). It was huge and a serious piece of metal. Anyway, I know this is a Mobius thread but I think those shredders are definitely worth a recommendation.
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