I took a video today on my fresh battery

will upload when I have a chance. No sirens this time I promise

but I actually saw two posts basically polar opposites and I've had great results both ways!
One was Shit Snacks talking low temp, he totally right you shouldn't need much air flow to get those tasty terps! So I've been really sipping while having the button down 5-7 seconds and letting go quite often. Great results! Video is more this way.
The others was Pictures of Pot and he was speaking about the Milanna but he said hold button whole time and regulate solely with breath. While a bit worse on battery, this is more in line with how I've been using it but still tried going slower than average. Anyways, a slow start ramping up to fast inhale also works great low temp. Actually get more hits this way and the low temp flavor stays around longer but is definitely less conducive with regards to battery life, fme. But I'm also holding button down for 10-20 seconds continuously.
Just figured I'd share some field testing

the versatility on this is the beez knees.
Regarding price, while I certainly WOULD pay more for it, i like it being able to be kept at a super affordable low price cost. The average IMO for most solid vapes puts you at the 150 range and while I don't disagree that I would pay that for this, I think the fact that the vapor quality/device far outshines its price point is a really really good thing. That said; I already have mine

so I am biased but in a realm of niche products that are 99% of the time are marked up quite a bit, it really tickled my fancy how Dave didn't rape any of us

sets him apart from majority of pack. This isn't a knock on the vapor pack, just super good vibes to Dave!
Hope you all had a wonderful holiday

I been so busy can finally unwind a bit....you already know what I'm gonna use !