This must be in the thread somewhere but the search didn't find it- what are the main differences with the milaana?
Come on Mags, it's not even that long yet!
I think I may have discussed it a few other times even, it's bound to come up because of how similar they are (Dave actually designed the Touch after we met in person and had a Milaana session so he could see why I enjoyed it so much, how simple it and effective it is etc)
But to sum up again, here can only use 14mm, but
@Alan makes stems for both units (wide variety of stem designs with glass and wood, silicone and screens, Milaana you also get
@DDave (though his 14mm stuff works here) and PlanetVape making aftermarket stems... Anyway so stock stems and screens also differ significantly (Mist is still improving theirs too, I have an old longer one and a lot of people discussed the rough cuts, more fragile vs RBT's whose screens are also tougher, but the new ones will be more polished and the color ones seem thicker) So Milaana can hold more than Mist potentially, and both can hold very little or anything in between
The style is a bit different as you can see, in appearance and practicality--the touch button vs the big tactile one, air intakes and battery doors, Mist battery must be positive end up Milaana negative up (or either really, in Mist opposite is no bueno) Mist has the battery door flip for safety, Milaana will have the guitar pick mod standard soon... The wood is all quilted maple with Mist for now, and it's just a different build quality, boxier yet sleek, not as polished I'd say but again it's early and still improving of course (Milaana evolved a bit that way too). Size wise they are very similar, Mi may be thicker but sleeker and more solid feeling, while MVT has the h shape/portholes/name tattoo
In Mist the glass tube can actually spin and come loose if your stem is stuck, since it's not epoxied like the Milaana glass, and Milaana has 3 screens for its heater screen that are a friction fit whereas Mist's is just one carefully placed (but that is supposed to improve too, with a ledge in the glass for the screen like the stems have/will have). Both have pretty open airflow, Milaana moreso bc of the 18mm and intake too, while Mist you can try covering portholes... Both can get even extraction depending on technique and/or stirring
Then of course there's prices for various kits and accessories included, timelines and people involved, but the biggest difference actually can be the trickiest to notice... That sounds crazy, but yes these are both maybe the most effective and flavorful battery-powered on demand pure convection portables with very similar designs and materials aside from the differences I just laid out,
however the real difference comes from something only a real vaporist would notice: their heaters. Sure they both work great, but they are very different designs. Both stainless steel too, but Milaana has way more surface area (plus mica as an insulator to help make that possible) so it can retain heat better and it actually also heats up slightly faster (latest consistent units at least). That being said the MVT heater is a fancy shmacy would stacked pancake coil that is no slouch and works phenomenally (especially compared to my beta parabola coil) though it actually runs on ~8 watts less power I believe... So despite being so similar they really do each actually offer a unique vapor signature, to a true connoisseur at least
(I guess no need to search or read the thread when I lay it all out like this for you lol
