Shit Snacks
Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Don't want to veer off topic, but I would advise that the stem be capped or stored without a screen.
I tried one of those 2 battery case and put in an 18650 (tiny tear) and a stem for my Arizer Air with a screen, but no medicine or stem cap. The screen fell out of the stem and touched the battery. The Battery arced and I am lucky I realized it almost immediately. I knocked the pieces apart.
If that would have happened in someone's purse the result could be waaaay bad.
Unlike the two battery clamshell cases, this magnetic four batt case seems to have each tube fully isolated from the one next to it, so no issue here probably. Also the Mist basket screens sit very snug in the stem, like Milaana, so even in a two battery clamshell case I don't think you would ever have this issue like you did with a smaller Arizer stem (and presumably a non snug fitting screen, never used screens in mine when had Arizers myself) but that's pretty interesting to be aware of for sure

It arrived! I sampled it, I had an LG HE2, and that does indeed work. It wasn't fully charged, and I'll be charging when I get home from work tonight for more testingdidn't want to leave it on there for 4+ hours when not around.
... I do really like the wood, whatever it is, it has some awesome iridescent (shimmer) qualities and mine has some cool spots on it, honestly can't praise that aspect enough as most portable wood vapes, IMO, have very plain woods, ie walnut, cherry, maple. Even if this is one of those, it has a lot of luster and the wood looks better IMO to a lot of wooden vapes out. Really great build quality and craftsmanship.
Also, reading back, @Shit Snacks , I used mine with right hand and thumbI even hit it horizontally and the screw didn't hit my nose or nothin!
....This thing really reminded me a lot of my Underdog........good thing! Almost nicer in a sense as I always cash my stems in my dog in about 3 hits, this really let me savor some taste. Still gonna try to cash quick laterI can't wait to test it out further tonight. I'll take some videos/photos etc as well. But my first impressions are really really happy, and totally worth the $
Glad you're enjoying man as I knew you would! Nice you got in so early, my updated unit should be arriving today or tomorrow probably too.
So you will notice you can cash quicker with a freshly charged battery vs a weak one, but also yeah preheat and draw can help you finish a small bowl fast just like a log can.
The wood is quilted maple I believe, as you can see on his photos some of them are really interesting! My old Mist had it more so than my Touch beta, we'll see about the new one... (Yes coil should be angled as well)
Also be careful with other stems, the tricky part is getting the basket to stay in the 14mm male joint without sliding, the Mist stems have a custom ledge, so I don't know if another will work at all really.
Finally re ergonomics, my hands aren't huge but they are flexible, I can also just barely wrap around to reach button with my thumb in right hand, but I prefer having my index finger wrapped around the lower side, around the glass stem instead of the battery side. Its more comfortable and I like extra security for the glass, and that's how it could be with the button on the opposite side. It's not a big deal at all though

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