Shit Snacks
Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
starting assembly on the new batch, there are 10 units ready to assemble then another 33 frames ready for machining.
Made some changes, the glass chimney was designed so it was a snug friction fit for length. This didn't always work perfect so I added a wavy spring washer at the top. This gives me more latitude on the length of the chimney.
The tiny space above the glass is the washer area. Seems to work nicely.
Then after some discussion with @Vape Dr. I was convinced to rework the door. The original door worked fine but occasionally there were adjustments needed and @Vape Dr. convinced me it would look cleaner if I used a slide in door.
Here is the door shut, no thumbscrew, no metal ledge or screws showing.
If you slide the door open a bit you see the spring loaded, gold plated contact. When you shut the door the contact hits a copper strip in the door and completes the circuit.
The other nice part is this gave me room to move the button to the side.
So moving forward this is the design. Since this didn't change the heater or air path I was comfortable making these changes without a full blown round of testing. @Vape Dr. and myself have tested this design and it works great.
You all knew this was coming I have to raise the price to $120, actually I think I have to go a bit higher than that but for now $120 plus shipping.
I've contacted the next person on the list to claim the beauty you see above, early next week I should have nine more ready. Then an all out push for the next 33 units.
@HellsWindStaff the door can be inserted so it breaks contact, I'll post pics later.

We knew changes were coming but I had presumed they were back burnered with all the demand since everything worked fine. Very exciting for everyone on the wait list and any new customers that they will get such complete well-polished units!
The new battery door lid looks phenomenal (and good idea with the washer, I had mentioned that issue with mine, sometimes the chimney moves but still works) so much cleaner without any metal at the top, no sharp edges at all, really really great for a complete product that's for sure.
The button on the side is also pretty exciting, two birds with one stone I guess since the battery door change is what freed up the space. I agree that the button on the front was more unique (looked great with the portholes) and plenty functional, but this will probably be better to satisfy a wider range of users and it also looks pretty great there right next to the logo, the TOUCH part!
Well done sir, and thanks to @Vape Dr. for pushing you to make the change, I know he had been talking about it since before he even had an MVT himself!

Can't wait to try this final model some day in the future, even as a beta tester I ain't gonna jump that long line of anxious vapers!