right where to start? First go tried it with little plastic mouthpiece on blue, very nice taste! Definitely a notch above my solo, does get a little hot but not that bad I'm used to a pnp and they get hotter! After a couple of puffs was blowing huge clouds! Really surprised! Then put some silicone tubing on with a ascent mouthpiece, while doing that I checked the basket for heat! Not that hot! Put it on my forehead lol onto pink! Still really nice taste and huge clouds immediately, nice

definitely better with tubing and ascent mouthpiece. Upto green and decided to proper rip it!! Mv punched me in the face and kicked me while I was down!!

had a proper coughing fit lol! Taste still good but vapour definitely a little tickly, upto red now and it got me again!! Dammmmmm! Stuck a 1.5m whip on an found it did cool it a bit, think watertool is needed

overall I'm loving it, really surprised how long a basket lasted and must say for such a small amount I'm definitely medicated! And I'm no lightweight!
One more thing I'd like to add, some people when using this for the first time don't always seem to get the same result as myself using for the first time! Personally I think some of it comes down to the way you fill the basket and what bud you have!? My Afghan x big bud is lovely and resinous and nicely cured...

thanks to everyone who gave me some advice