Well-Known Member
If you go to red from a cold unit it can take a long time and with no result sometimes, because it goes in standby mode in the meanwhile.
hmm thanks, I have always gone up to red straigth away...might try green first then hihi
Sure is pitty no vaporpedia thread has been made yet. Any idea on the car adaptor?
I ordered a black portable model this morning. Hoping to join the ranks later next week. It was sitting in my cart for a few days, the long deliberation was one by me, but lost by my bank account. I'm hoping for good things out of this one.
Thanks to all who took the plunge early and shared their experiences.
Indeed, thanks to all the ones before us.......I just pulled the trigger on a silver home unit.
If you go to red from a cold unit it can take a long time and with no result sometimes
I vape on red mostly. Below is the quickest way I've found to fully heat to red.
1. Heat unit to full Green.
2. Turn unit off and then back on.
3. Pre-heat to Red.
I've found this cuts the waiting period down significantly. However, although the light will show a solid Red quicker, it still doesn't seem to be at full heat for another few minutes after the light goes solid IME.
Thanks to let us know, then I'll write him immediately, maybe my email got lost as yours since I never received any response.Finally got a hold of Jorge from minivap.He said he never received my first email. But did write me back and let me know that the new cones WONT be ready soon(He said they are waiting on the silicone). But did say I will be on the promotional mailing list ,to receive a silicone cone when they are ready.Im very happy about these developments. Finally finding a resolution to my problem..satisfying
He also advised me to try and cut a small piece of silicone tubing from the included silicone to act as an oring.I tried that but found I couldnt insert the straw all the way in. And my straws seal was still weak and wiggling.Ive already lost one straw because I had mv in my pocket and the straw fell.So now its hurry up and wait again. Im just glad I finally got the ball rolling on this
Isn't it better to wait solid green, then instead of turning it off, simply pressing + button and wait for solid red?
I'd find a way to torch it or stop using it if I were you. Micro-fractures and glass dust are a concern…I 'sanded' the broken piece on a concrete tile...talking about being subtlebut no more rough edges...