I usually do a medium grind, but I’ve read in other places and on other forums that coarse grinds supposedly work best for convection style, while fine grinds are best with conduction style vape. It’s purely personal preference, of course. Try a bunch of different grind consistencies and see which works best for you & your MV. I find a fine grind tends to make the end of the bowl harder to draw from due to tinier grind particles compacting against the o-ring filter on the draw, which feels like, to me, allows less air through the material. I’m experimenting with different grind consistencies myself. The Brilliant Cut w/ medium grind plate Does a dandy job for me, but I’m interested to see what a coarser grind out of my Santa Cruz Shredder might puff like, as well as going the whole calyx route like @MinnBobber suggested.Is there an agreed-upon ideal grind size for using with the flexicone basket system?
What kind of core do you have? Also, how many hits would you estimate you get out of the largest size basket? I feel like i killed my battery on 5 large baskets, but i was nursing them and temp stepping each one from blue, so it was easily on for between 3-4 hours. Im having a hard time understanding when the bowl is cashed because i find my teflon core unit produces clouds only for a small period of time in the early-middle of the session, but produces incredible taste well after the clouds cease.After several days with my first MV I can definitely say it has earned a spot in my rotation. I have been using a medium to fine grind in a lightly packed basket. I have used the 2 different sized baskets from minivap and also a 3rd that is sized in-between the two MV baskets that I had laying around. The stock short mouthpiece isn't bad but I prefer the flexicone+. I tried cutting down a flexicone+ for the glass WPA it wasn't nearly as sturdy as some other have reported here. I have a @Delta3DStudios WPA on the way I'm excited to test it out.
The vapor quality is pretty great even running on the red temp. Good taste from start to finish.
The MV feels great in the hand and the 2 button operation is easy to use.
I haven't timed the heat up time but it couldn't take more than 2-3 mins. Not bad.
Battery life is great so far 10 baskets in and the battery light is still on green. I haven't used the adapter puck to plug it into the wall but having the option is nice.
Overall I think the MV is a great at home portable with good extraction and above average vapor quality. Maintenance seems easy, using baskets keeps things clean. I like it!
What kind of core do you have? Also, how many hits would you estimate you get out of the largest size basket? I feel like i killed my battery on 5 large baskets, but i was nursing them and temp stepping each one from blue, so it was easily on for between 3-4 hours. Im having a hard time understanding when the bowl is cashed because i find my teflon core unit produces clouds only for a small period of time in the early-middle of the session, but produces incredible taste well after the clouds cease.
This is the « o ring filter », you need to put it in the flexicone/flexicone+My O-rings look like little screens. Where is the O-ring filter?
This is the « o ring filter », you need to put it in the flexicone/flexicone+![]()
Yes, you put the screen into the flexicone first, then the basket, so it acts as a lid and stops particulates from getting in your mouth. I got barely any visible vapor on my first day with it, but once I learned the right technique I started getting awesome clouds. I would recommend taking very strong, long draws (count to ten seconds in your head while taking the draws). It takes a few hits, like one or two, for the weed to adequately heat up to get big clouds, but after that you should be golden.So the little screens are the O ring filters?. So I fill the basket up and just put a screen on top?. Stick one of the screens with the metal edge up inside the flexicone+ correct? No vapor on green.
Normally you’ve got 1 flexicone and 1 flexicone+(the long one). For the flexicone (the lil silicone cone) you must use the rigid mp and the flexicone+ is basically a combo of cone+mp, hope that helps.I need to know what the white colored silicone piece is for.
This pic shows how a Flexicone module goes together:
Basket + rimmed screen + optional hemp paper filter + Flexicone.
Picture shows using it in Herbalizer as it works much better than stock chamber.
Yes I do , but I prefer it with out like the video,Hey thanks for the video. It is appreciated. Do you have the glass adapter though?
Woooow, I’ve never combusted in mines ( glass and Teflon-glass ) I’m not aware of combustion issue with MV, do you use the basket or do you fill the chamber directly ? Which core do you have ? The light on the front starts blinking during the hit (maybe after 4/5 seconds ), that’s normal.Ok I tried it on green after filling it up. Green light was still blinking when I took a hit and it combusted. That doesn't seem right. Ok I just rinsed the rimmed screen and the basket in iso and even changed the flexicone. Now to try again.
Woooow, I’ve never combusted in mines ( glass and Teflon-glass ) I’m not aware of combustion issue with MV, do you use the basket or do you fill the chamber directly ? Which core do you have ? The light on the front starts blinking during the hit (maybe after 4/5 seconds ), that’s normal.
Lets hope its user error... but I've packed mine (quick glass core) all sorts of ways and have never combustedNo I meant it didn't turn solid so I let it sit there and blink for a while and by the time I took the hit it was all smoke. I have the teflon-glass and I fill the basket up but don't tamp at all. I think I may have overloaded it or something that time. I'm gonna assume user error at this point. My herb I have is pretty dark green to start with. I don't know what that has to do with anything so I guess I'm pretty vaked. It's also not too dry so it expands when it's heated. So I'm pretty sure I'm overfilling, so I just got to get that perfect amount. Ok so this last time I put in less but I got less clouds as opposed to when I filled it up more where I could get some clouds even on blue.
Battery life is great so far 10 baskets in and the battery light is still on green.
10 baskets seems like a lot, are you sure the battery light isn't on yellow? It can be tricky to distinguish between the green and yellow colors on the minivap sometimes.I have been mostly using the in-between sized basket not from Minivap. Getting probably 10-15 draws on red. I have been ripping it until there is no visible vapor left and it leaves me with a nice light brown ABV.