Thanks for the tid bit of info you're able to share. We are all on the side lines waiting for any new info on a new MV. I just picked up a glass core recently from a generous FC'r but it arrived cracked so was thinking RMA but maybe I'll ride this out and see what this new core will be. Cheers all!
Sorry to hear that, don't really know when the new core is going to be out,they are in the testing part.
My rma from minivap was 60 euros, don't know in USA,but you could ask stickstones...hi is the man.
Soon I will have some info from minivap bout studies that they made in Holland in collaboration with bedrocan about temperature inside the cores,and I got permission to make them public,they are about inhalation and how the temperature inside the core is affected by them, something like if you take time between inhalations temperature will be less an save material but if you a greedy I will be more and extracting faster,is like the vape adapt to your style.
Can't wait to see and share for some knowledge.