Well-Known Member
Don't blame me I voted yes. It's beyond me my man. If I was in power it'd be MVs all round.. And the ball would be rolling for legalisation.
@lazylathe.. I get just as big clouds now from the straw than I do putting it through water. Having said that though, I've now found myself taking a more leisurely approach. I sip that thing rather than whack it on a bong and get maybe 3 to 4 rips. I feel vapor is always somewhat wasted the bigger clouds that I exhale.. I get way more fucked up off way less now.. Though do still whack it on the WT on occasion. Such a versatile little vape.. Anyone tried creating some kind of bag set up for this thing? Whilst both WT and direct draw are far more desirable imho it's always nice to have options.
MN and CO?
Yup, Minnesota and Colorado. Live in MN, visited Colorado in March and need to visit CO again for "supplies"
About the bags... How about the Aqua Lung??
I am sure this idea could be modified to work with the MV!
Good thread right here on FC!!
In Scotland that aqualung is called a Ratty.. Because of the tail that you stand on or pull. I used that to toke out when I was 16.. It would've been my first go to option but was thinking more outside that filthy box
Edit: must be amazing going and buying a bunch of weed like that. I've been to Amsterdam twice but you don't get to go to a coffee shop and then to my actual home.
I'm taking my MV with me when I head back other in April.
@lazylathe.. First I was like.. Is that blue-tak?![]()
Now i truly appreciate the MiniVap!
Took some experimenting and modifying but i believe this thing could be the vape to get!
Want a portable masquerading as a desktop? Get it!
I don't know what magic it has inside but it works extremely well!!
This is a fun thread to read, and I love reading all the excitement and information.
Minor correction: I think you guys mean that it's a "desktop masquerading as a portable," don't you?
I've got a few questions. I've been reading along but I don't quite understand a few things.
1) What is the "smaller Arizer basket"? Where could I get one? I gather that there's a bigger basket included with the unit. I also gather that people prefer the baskets to make cleaning easier.
2) Do people put a screen on the top of the materials, to prevent drawing anything up through the mouthpiece? I know that some do that with the Solo.
3) If I'm understanding it correctly, the basket/material is only heated during a draw. Does this mean that the unit is fairly odor-free, except for the exhaled vapor? Could I leave unvaped material in the basket/unit, turn it off, and come back to it the next day ... without a lot of vapor/odor stinking up the joint (as it were)?
This is awesome! Exactly what I need!I just made a Medical grade silicone adapter for the MV!
Now i can have my old Pinnacle WT on top of the MV hands free!!
A true portable bubbler!!!
Will upload a pic later, need to find my cable...
Picture of the set up!
Hits so smooth and the taste is still amazing!!
Medicated off three hits of Think Different!
This is awesome! Exactly what I need!
Could you post some more pics of the cap?
Would you consider making more and selling them as a favor?
It's fugly but functional
You could've imprinted something then filled it with a different colour putty. Make it all purty!!![]()
45 second work time does not let one get very creative...
Portable as a desktop!
A desktop is a vape that requires a connection to the mains power at all times and you cannot move around freely with it.
A portable is usually battery operated.
No disagreement from me on the facts, but I'm interested in how we use language so I'm going to press it. To say it's a "portable masquerading as a desktop" would mean that it's really a portable that's dressed up (or pretending to be) a desktop; it seems to me that the fun thing about the mV is the opposite: that it's really a desktop (not in the sense that it's a plug-in but in the sense that it's a convection vape that delivers big time and can be a daily driver) that's dressed up as a portable. In other words, the cool thing is not that it's portable (which is the definition of the battery-version) but that it functions as a desktop. Perhaps the word "masquerading" isn't quite the right word for either phrasing, since that word means pretending to be something you're not. What I think you're really saying is that it works brilliantly as both a desktop and a portable.
Sorry to get caught up in this, and I mean no criticism. Again, I'm always interested in how we deploy language....