Hello All, Finally getting to my Mini review. I started it several times amd it got deleted each time. Bastard, LOL. I've been vaping oil for 2 years now and wanted to get into vaping my Herbal Medicine, after too many yrs. of combusting it. My only other experience is with my Bender attachment for Persei, which I Love but needs good technique to use without combusting and it's kinda awkward/bulky and it's made of glass and I'm afraid to take it out of the house in fear of breaking it. And a friend let me try a couple 3 bags from his digital Volcano, whew wow that was GOOD! So the SEARCH began for a portable herbal vape that was convection(don't want my meds to cook while not inhaling), with good battery life and made of good quality products with a clean safe air path and something that I didn't have to stop every few hits to stir!
Started to follow the FireFly thread here, had me really intrigued. Convection, Good build quality, stainless air path. Very promising. Reading more and seems like it needs a technique to master hits, needs stirring and battery life doesn't seem ideal enough for my needs and therefore I'd want the additional battery and external charger. That'd make it like $330 U.S. before taxes and shipping. Ok, at the same time this Elevape Smart thread caught my attention, kinda weird looking, seems to need the constant stirring, think was like $360 or so. So I'm still watching both threads and deciding What To Do??
I'd heard of this Most Expensive vape on the planet and when I had found it to be the MiniVap at $1,000 I laughed and said to myself " I'll never be able to afford this thing". Put on the back Burner and started to follow this thread from the beggining.
Then a Member put up and Ad from VaporNation for 25% off sale on the Mini, BAM I order me up a nice sleek God Portable Version for only $389 U.S. with extra freebies and free shipping. Got it within a week I think, and it Included The Heater (top) Battery(bottom), 1 Small Basket, 1 Large Basket, 1 Flexi-cone, 1 Flexi-cone+, 4 Screens, 1 Liquid Pad, 1 Hard Mouthpiece consisting of 2 pcs., 1 Cleaning Brush and a Quick Start Guide. Oh yeah and the sweet carry case!
I'm very Glad that I purhased this and I haven't combusted my medicine since!

As I stated earlier I'm no vaporizer pro as this is my 1st Herbal vape. Now that I said that, I Love this thing!

The Build Quality is very nice and looks to be durable. It's Convection which I wanted. The Battery Life is Exceptional! I've used this exclusively for Herbs over the last 3 weeks or so and I'm Very Impressed! I've tried every conceivable way to use this vape, hard cone with hard mouthpiece and with flexi-tube, flexi-cone and hard mouthpiece, flexi-cone and my Water Tools, flexi-cone+ with 1/2 hard mouthpiece, and even tried the Liquid /Pad with some BHO. I have yet to try putting right into loading chamber, only baskets so far as I want to keep it as clean as possible.
Here's my findings or in other words my

I found all ways of using it to be Very Satisfactory except for the hard cone, I can't seem to get the full vapor I can get from the flexi-cone and flexi-cone+. Probably due to it not making as good a contact with the loading chamber like the flexi's do. Not too sure about the Liquid Pad either yet as I've only tried it once for a couple of hits, & it was just ok compared to my PERSEI, means I've got Lots more testing to do with the Liquid Pad. Battey life is Great! And I love the fact that I DO NOT HAVE TO STIR! My abv comes out a nice even dark brown color every time! Having the 4 heat settings is awesome, I can start on Blue if I want and get nice wispy Tasties of light blue color, then I can go up to Pink and the vapor production increases dramatically still nice and Tasty and Lots more visible vapor, Then on to Green, Great Vapor production, nice clouds! Still tasty untill near the end of a load, I can then go to Red to completely extract all that can be extracted. Red is a little on the warmer side, I'm new to this so I do find that I get a little scratchy and dry throat even on Green, but a few sips of water and I'm back on the horse. I'm going to be looking to ad a vapor conditioner/cooler to see if this will help. Generally unless I have the extra time to vape, I'll just start on Green. Now for the lights, still trying to figure them, kinda scewy sometimes it'll go from green battery light to red and then back to green again all on it's own with no changes from me. Also the batty light goes green, yellowish/green, then red, no orange as guide states? And over the last few days I've been turning it on to only have it shut itself off again, I've just been un doing battery and reconnecting it and that seems to Re-Set it. Overall I'm EXtremely Pleased with this product, does what it claims it does and does it Well! Price may be prohibitave for some, but after reading on all the threads here to see that alot of people have wasted more than the cost of MiniVap trying to find the right portable for them wih alot of their expectations not being met! So I think the Price is worth it, IMHO even at full price especially since it's been Lab tested by 2 seperate Labs. AWESOME! Plus as an American I'm very very happy that it doesn't say made in china unlike every other product in my life right now. And yes they seem to be very proud of their accesories as their prices reflect. But I'm still going to Buy a bunch of accesories from their site. And besides I can't find them anywhere else? LOL, like the adapter to run at home, xtra baskets, screens, flexi-cones and flexi +, they have some nice kits that contain a variety of all.
So in conclusion Great Product, Does what it's supposed to! And seems so far to be well worth the price of admission! I've written to George I think ? Still waiting on a response via the contact on their webpage. I've read about LOOONGG wait time for a response so I was already prepared for this. Keep you posted, I'm gonna try to add a small video of it in action, not sure how to do that yet, so fingers crossed here goes, update just tried and looks like gotta upload to youtube first, stay tuned, shooting for later tonight
Peace all, Happy Vaping