Loving this feed and the development of bong ideas. If I didn't have to be so stealth all the time, i'd get right on that
I've recently got my mini vap from
www.vapefiend.co.uk and the sale was seamless. Great customer support, delivery time, etc.
As for the unit well, it's life changing. I've previously has the volcano digital and that was the business. One major issue i had with it was the noise. Firstly of the bag filling and then taking tokes. Noisy noisy! At night, this is not what you want especially.
Mini Vap has taken over from where the volcano started. Packed full of flavour, without any of the 'sound issues'. Bonus points to the mini vap also for it's heating system. The fact you don't have to worry about burning matter between usage. It only heats only you toke. Nice
For me, the unit is perfect, that if you were to stick a red bull sticker on the side you can easy walk down the street toking away and no one would batter an eye lid. Dam, even get your 80s fitness gear on, go stretch up the beach with your 'sports drink'. Lol
I swear by this unit, it's a serious bit of kit for those you know