Old & In the Way
Maybe not panic, but maybe acting on a lot of speculation and expectations. I think one mistaken assumption is to think that dealings with this one man show is somehow going to be the same as buying from the GAP. We have seen enough over the years to have known all of this before the pre-order.Panic is not what anyone of us is doing, it is expecting a 420 company to operate by the same principles, we as consumers expect from any other legitimate company from whom we would buy products.
I do happen to agree that more communications would be better, but I'm dealing with just the things I know from fc and updates. An offer was made at a discount I liked, on a 3rd generation product that folks have loved, so I ordered one.
There have been 2 delay announcements, one came in Dec just before final production and packaging. Something about that screw had to be either made or customized, requiring 2 weeks PLUS another 2 weeks for packaging and shipping, so February projection. I didn't think the screw issue was flaky nor super important. That seemed to track well and they apparently shipped and came to US.December came and we got a flaky excuse of resistance problems with the heater that required retooling of connection screw. I guess we were supposed to think a commonly manufactured screw needed to be custom-made and would require an additional 2 weeks. No problem, we can all underestimate how much time we need to complete a job, but the explanation was a bit concerning since it sounded like an excuse instead of being transparent. Well the 2 weeks came and went
We didn't need further update until next snafu with customs over paperwork. Is this really so unbelievable? I'm still expecting to have a Mi3 really soon.
I do agree that problems with refunds has not been very elegant at all. Exacerbated by a rush to the exits it takes on larger proportions. I think that when someone this small offers a product early, it should be acknowledged and stipulated by the seller that this is a purely speculative venture; that money could be lost in this investment. This would have spelled things out much better and is a better look than angry customers not getting satisfaction (timely refunds).