Interesting and concerning. I’m not sure why but I also noticed they pulled the Milaana 3 off their website. I’ve tried so hard to feel the love and ignore all the negative chatter but that Instagram post could not have come at a worst time and quite frankly solidified my already heavy heart towards RBT. I truly truly hope I can be won back in the future.Well that's interesting.
It does seem very odd that the Mi3 is not mentioned anywhere on the website.
I saw that a few weeks back and I had no idea what that means. It was kind of concerning though. I don't like drama, but Ryan is a good guy and his products have been great. I hope he figures it out.In the instagram post comments rbt says the Mi3s should still ship in 2 weeks and new designs are coming. So I'm definitely sticking with them a while longer. It also helps that I have the chargeback option if everything falls apart.
But there is also another comment saying that they would never invest in Ryan, followed by RBT agreeing they wouldnt invest in Ryan either.....
That seems odd, especially considering a post not far off is quoting someone who said "if you dont like Ryan, fuck you."
I am not on the pre-list so I have no skin in the game, however, there are various benign reasons possible which may explain why the MI3 is not listed:
1. Perhaps the "pre-order" option is not there because if you want a MI 3 now you will need to pay full freight (if not for the discount why tie up $$ for months) at this time?
2. It could be "missing" so people don't try to get the 30% discount (Feb only?)on the soon to be released MI 3. If "newcomers" would be able to get the MI3 cheaper than the pre-orders, the people who had been pre-orders would be upset.
3. It could be that the MI3 is missing so they can adjust the retail price to reflect the extra costs of the delays and forced "upgrades/improvements".
As I said, I have no skin in this game, but I am not sure panicking is in order, yet.
@RBTcole am I correct? A small dose of reassurance would go a long way in making pre-order customers calm.
What do you mean?People posting in this thread are not the problem
No need to stress out people with money still tied up.
You said
It's not posts in this thread that are stressing people out. Nobody is kicking up a panic out of nothing, there's been surprisingly little speculation.
Those are all possibilities and I think that in most cases, the manufacturer should get the benefit of the doubt. In this particular case, there is a demonstrated track record with other products in regards to communication, pre-orders, and product launches which suggest that the benefit of the doubt is not warranted.
RBT makes amazing vapes. The Zion is nothing short of a masterpiece but the explanation is not adding up for me. The original “story” was that the product was received but a screw swap was needed and that was the only thing delaying shipment. Next we hear about a previously undisclosed customs issue after it was insinuated that all of the product had been received. Now some more questions about the viability of the company and the product listing have come into play.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me repeatedly, that’s on me.
This. I’d be pretty pissed off if, after having pre-ordered at the initial price the day of announcement, people were able to order it at a 30% discount 6 months later. I had bought a custom Z at full price awhile back, and before I ordered I asked Cole if there were any discounts in the offing. He said there weren’t, as far as he knew, so I bought it. A month later they announced 20% off everything. I was pissed, and I contacted Cole, who said he didn’t know, and I believe him. I see this as one of the risks of dealing with RBT, but it’s minor, in my view. I own 4 Splinters and a Mi2, and they’re stellar vapes. I’m not asking for a refund.2. It could be "missing" so people don't try to get the 30% discount (Feb only?)on the soon to be released MI 3. If "newcomers" would be able to get the MI3 cheaper than the pre-orders, the people who had been pre-orders would be upset.
Panic is not what anyone of us is doing, it is expecting a 420 company to operate by the same principles, we as consumers expect from any other legitimate company from whom we would buy products. Many of us have supported Ryan's projects since they first hit the market, and showed extreme patience when products were delayed. Back than Ryan had a presence here, would communicate and answer questions and concerns. As his business plans grew his presence diminished but most of us continued to support his endeavors. Last year he came here and announced plans for a number of vapes he was developing and the update to the Milaana 2, which he touted as smaller, more powerful, more efficient, and cleaner; due to an improved heater design. He said pre-orders would benefit from reduced price, additional accessories, and a fulfillment date before 2020. December came and we got a flaky excuse of resistance problems with the heater that required retooling of connection screw. I guess we were supposed to think a commonly manufactured screw needed to be custom-made and would require an additional 2 weeks. No problem, we can all underestimate how much time we need to complete a job, but the explanation was a bit concerning since it sounded like an excuse instead of being transparent. Well the 2 weeks came and went without a word from Ryan or Cole, which caused some to reconsider their order, which is understandable. Than came the snafu regarding the issuing of refunds, some were processed others were not; and still not a peep from Ryan or Cole. Finally Ryan did post an update, albeit almost a month after the last shipment date delay. Now a new delay is said to be the fault of the Customs Department because of something to do with the type of wood used to manufacture the Milaana 3. Are you frigging kidding me? Weren't these already finished and simply awaiting the magic screw that had to be custom made? Suddenly we are told the wood for the vapes is being held by customs, so what happened to our vapes only needing the magic screw to be added to the ready to ship boxes? I am always willing to give the benefit of the doubt to anyone, but in the words of Judge Judy, don't piss on my head and tell me it is raining. I am still hoping Ryan has the integrity to finish this project he asked all of us to support and stop being so shady or flaky or whatever you want to call it. Dude, stop with the excuses and just tell us straight up what the situation is, and when you are going to deliver the already paid for vapes. If you are upset by this post I sincerely apologize, just remember I put my trust and good faith in you and your word because you asked and you should feel a responsibility to keep the trust and not abuse it through avoidance or BS. I requested a refund almost one month ago and did not receive one just in case some of the followers are curious for my motives regarding this post. I do not mind having spent my hard earned cash, I do not mind a minor setback with delivery, I do mind being a mushroom and kept in the dark and the powerful smell of mendacity emanating from the too infrequent responses to legitimate questions.