Well-Known Member
..............................................................................your post is the main reason to allow anyone to grow cannabis legally... if there are others who are not able to grow theirs then a kind hand out is in order..
Minnesota, of course, banned home grows since it was not in the interest of the 2 monopolies ( each manuf has their own territory/cities). Al Capone would be proud

If home grows were allowed, instead of paying a yearly $200 State fee, they could grow their whole year's supply for that $200.
Oops, forget the true rationale for no home grows-- too dangerous of a drug, that "pot":
MN allows families to home brew 200 gallons of beer and 200 gallons of wine. World Health Org says alcohol kills 2,500,00o people each year.
Cannabis-- zero, but there might be side effects???
After a T-break from Sunday til now to prep for a colonoscopy, that first micro dose of Lucky Charms was niiice.
Really nice in fact. And feelin lucky and charmed to have no polyps

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