Microdosing is such a dose that is so low, that it shouldn't have any of the typical effects of a regular dose, but still "big" enough to incude some other subler effects, that are different from the regular ones.
For example a regular recreational dose of a psychedelic makes you see visuals and feel and think in a very different way from ordinary.
A microdose of that gives energy and creativity boost, and mood enhancement.
Maybe cannabis can also be truly microdoses for some subtle yet different effects. What we'Re doing here I would call "tolerance lowering controlled dosing" or maybe minidosing.
Before trying that, I usually vaped like 0.1-0.25 grams per session. Over .25 would knock out me few hours later.
When I started this, I gradually lowered the doses to 0.04-0.06 per session and still got great effects.
Over .2 would knock me out and before that make me much higher than any dose could do before.
I stayed on that for a while and reccently I slowly went even lower.
With 0.03-0.04g once a day, I can get really strong effects.
Once I vaped on this shedule a 0.1g load and I got fucked up from that.
I mean "going somewhere for something, then grab something totally different and stare at it for a while not knowing why I did that" fucked up.
And I didn't get knocked out from that.
With such a low dose per session and with just one session per day, I even stopped feeling any cravings for redosing.
I know "this is just cannabis" so the cravings were very mild in the first place, but I could say they were there even if subtle and now they're gone.
Which makes it even easier to follow the shedule.
Some tips:
1) Exactly same dose (or slightly lower) every time.
Deviate from your set dose as little as possible. Set your dose and be strict to never go over that. Everytime you take more than previously, even just a little bit like a rounding error - you boost your tolerance, even if only for a little bit.
2) Miligram scale!
Get a miligram scale for precision, they can be only 20 bucks. It is very superior to a 0.01 precision scale once you venture into less than 0.1g dose range. And having 5mg error will prevent you from accurately going down to really low doses and not getting tolerance from these rounding errors. It helps you floow the tip number one much better.
3) Try once a day or less.
Try vaping only once per day if you can, and later in the day. As I said this helps you stay at your strict shedule and makes it more special treat of the day, which further helps getting more from less. Later in the day also help you keep your shedule, it's now wake'n'baking is an easy way to an unproductive day and redosing and tolerance.
4) Continue slowly lowering
Lower your set dose a tiny bit, even just a miligram or few when you feel like your can handle that and then try to stay there and make it the new set point that you'll never go over if you're not too disappoined with the results - but only if disappointed for many days try to get over possible disappointment first day or few.
5) T-Break
Do a T-Break before lowering your your set point significantly. I have only dose this once and didn't do it really right - only T-Broke for one day and then wake'n'vaped 0.03g and got blasted from that (was on the 0.04-0.06 shedule then). But this really works and get you to very low doses very quickly if you do it right and really lower your set point when you return.
6) Don't write giant reports on minidosing when you should be working/studying...