HI guys - I haven't weighed in on this thread (I don't believe) very much as I'm not sure I'm a micro-doser.
Now, I also can't comment from experience on vaping 1 gram + a day....not sure I would be able to move! LOL (well, not modern cannabis anyway....old brick weed back in the day, that's another story haha)
What I have been doing is about .1 grams/day and I also have a milligram precision scale so feel pretty good about measurement of ten's of milligrams.
I tend to vape at night as a pain and sleep aid and, when I was working, I definitely did not vape during the work day (I just can't do MJ and my job...hat's off to those who can LOL).
.1 g is two VapCap loads for me and it was working great for quite a while.
But I retired a month ago, was loaned some vapes, bought some vapes, have new toys to play with, got an enail and rig, etc.
So, I still think my tolerance is rather on the low side but I'm going to strive to get back to .1 g of good herb as my bedtime medication for the same reasons as others; cost, wear and tear on lungs, and trying to maintain a therapeutic level of medication and not just get fucked up (which I have done many times over the long decades of cannabis use).
I still can't phantom how
@DDave can do .001 - .002 gram size loads but I'm very happy for him (and envious too

What I do not want is a sky high tolerance which will cost more to medicate AND, more importantly, impact the effects I'm getting.
Thanks for all of the info...especially whoever posted the vid from Dr. Sulak.