Is there information on what the web app/mobile apps look like and do yet?
I hope to have that stuff posted soon.
And what is the speaker for?
The 2017 unit had a simple buzzer speaker which could make beeps, clicks and tones. The new unit has a full audio codec on board and an sd card to store your sound files. You can upload sound clips through our software which get downloaded to your e-nail and you can trigger the clips based on different e-nail events.
We currently have these 9 events exposed:
On Boot, Auto-Off Warning, Auto-Off Triggered, Menu Select, Menu Change, Self-Clean Complete, Uptemp Stable, Uptemp Start, Uptemp Stop.
I have my personal unit play ED-209 from Robocop saying "You have 20 seconds to comply." right before the Auto-Off kicks in. I know one of the developers has been working on adding events for the Accelerometer, he has some pretty good sounds when you drop the unit or smack it around.
While its not currently in the stable version of the firmware, you can use the unit to stream bluetooth audio from another device as well.