. But yes would love to know the name of the place where you got
Lazarus naturals. To be fair they did send me a notice and paid for 2 years of fraud protection. But I had to replace my card and change my email address that I had for like 20 some years. I get monthly updates from my fraud protection, and my email address is still on the dark web. And due to the inconvenience I have a spare credit card, just in case.
@shredder Tweedle Farms has isolate for $10/g. I just ordered a bunch of CBD wax from them as they are one of the few I was able to find not jumping on the THCa bandwagon. Will update here when I have them and review.
CBD Isolate • 99.9% Total Cannabinoids
Our CBD Isolate is over 99.9% pure. It doesn't get much purer than this, folks! Available in 1 gram jars for only $9.99. Buy now from us at Tweedle Farms!tweedlefarms.com
That's good thanks! A little off topic I guess, but if your email is out there, on its own, that just means spam, right? However if it is with the password and hacked... more problem?
Not a scam. I’ve found CBG to be both more energetic and analgesic than pure CBD.I think that CBG is a scam honestly.
CBG is the precursor of the others cannabinoids. At the end of flowering, enzymes degrades it into others cannabinoids. To have high amounts of CBG in a plant means that the flower lacks maturity and have been harvested too early imo.
The few CBG strains I came across didn't produced a lot of vapor and tasted bad (if at all). The flower itself definitely looked like harvested way too early.
I must have encountered bad batches then.Not a scam. I’ve found CBG to be both more energetic and analgesic than pure CBD.
I’ve also found a hash with 60% thc and 2% CBG that is the most clear headed daytime THC strain I’ve ever found. It’s perfect for me.
I do think that CBG-specific strains are still in relatively early development as compared to legacy types. Just like with Type II, it’s going to take dozens or hundreds of generations to develop the most desirable phenotype characteristics.
It took at least a week for me on the other side of the country. Since they are West Coast like you, it should be there soon. Never had to communicate with them so unsure on the comm.
I made two orders from Preston at the same time Sunday. One to the midwest and one near the west coast.
They both shipped Tuesday because of the holiday.
The mw one arrived yesterday and the other today.
The wc one never updated. It went from acceptance pending to arriving at the local post office and being delivered.
Thank you for the replies my dudes!
Hopefully they will reply to my email and or instagram message... Wonder if I will even get all of my order now or if things went out of stock... I'll report back once I finally hear something, better be good shit that I am getting is all I can say for this inconvenience
Today I thought it might be a good idea to send a new email, on a new subject chain instead of my order chain where I had been repeatedly replying (though the email addresses are the same) and within minutes after I sent it, finally got a shipping notice email for the order I placed 11 days ago... Still no reply to my emails or IG messages, I have to say the stuff they send better be very good, to make up for this awful experience