Hey All - I just wanted to write an update describing my experiences with the Obsidian after a year.
I'm always trying to find the most optimal usage/storage/maintenance procedure for my pieces, and this one is no exception. I'll be sharing some of my favorite tips and tricks.
This thing is an absolute must with any Volcano, but ESPECIALLY with the Hybrid. It makes sessions so easy going and enjoyable.
My favorite way to hit the Hybrid has been direct draw using either the whip or just straight up stickin' my dirty maw on the end of the Obsidian. The Obsidian+Hybrid combo is an incredible improvement on the experience of hitting the stock Hybrid. It makes the S&B Mighty seem harsh, even at max temp (230C)!
Using the whip with the Obsidian is not as intuitive as you may think.
I made a post earlier in this thread showing how to make this a bit better with some spare O-rings. I've iterated a bit on my solution, and now use the following setup:
What you're looking at here is the top stem of the Obsidian. I have a spare O-ring at the base of the male glass fitting, and I've slipped a small piece of 1/2 inch silicone tubing onto the fitting. (This is the same size tubing as is used in the Hybrid's whip) This forms a solid, air-tight seal with the Hybrid's tube flexer. You basically just twist it on and you're off to the races. Once done, hang the whip up somewhere to dry out.
Honestly, I'm not the biggest fan of using the Obsidian with bags. It's the drying time for me. I don't use bags much anyway so it's not a dealbreaker. I don't have a spare filling chamber, so I use a straw to facilitate drying, like so.
There's a little finesse to drying these out. I found that just sticking a straw in and leaving it for a while degrades the seals on the bags. To combat this, I push the straw in and then pull it out before leaving it to dry. The idea is that you want quadrants on the seal to be pulled outward rather than pushed in. This way as the seal degrades the bag's mouthpiece will apply pressure against it, reinforcing the seal and preventing leaks.
Cleaning has been a breeze. At the end of each session I empty the Hybrid's bowl and dump out any water in the Obsidian. Then I run max temp air through it for 2-3 minutes to help evaporate any stubborn remaining drops.
For deep cleaning, I followed Magma Industries' advice and grabbed a few bottles of Grunge-Off. This shit is the tops. I have a large mason jar full that I keep under the sink. Don't dump it out! It's re-usable!!!
When it's cleaning time, I run max temp air for a few minutes to get the Obsidian hot. Then I pop it off the filling chamber and into the mason jar where it sits overnight. The next morning, I flip the Obsidian over and return it to the jar. A few hours pass and bing bam boom, crystal clear and good as new. If I could improve this process, I would get a bigger jar so as to completely submerge the Obsidian and eliminate the need for flipping.
The last little nugget of advice is related to storage. I picked up an OXO air tight container and added a towel to the bottom for padding. Then I wrap a folded microfiber cloth around the Obsidian to keep it from bumping into the sides of the container.
So in summation - I really really love this thing. It's my daily driver setup, and it never fails to leave me satisfied!!
Thanks so much Magma Industries! It's really been an amazing year for getting stoned!
P.S. - Could the Obsidian be made bigger to facilitate a more bong-esque experience a la Cloud Evo? As a user who primarily direct-draws I think about this a lot
