duh said:
I think MrMistyTokes experience sounds great. I assume your unit is not the new version. I did email the Tea website and it does not appear the new versions are available for sale yet, is that not true magicflight? I'm also concerned about the air-tightness aside from the scorching - are the negative user experiences all attributable to an amount issue or too dry, not dry enough, own personal problems, etc.?
So far, all that we have in stock is the Launch Tube. We have made some special lower temp units for those who want them, and are reviewing some alternative prototypes as potential beta test candidates.
Nothing firm yet. The lower temp units taste better on the 2nd and 3rd hits, and heat move evenly, but they take noticeably longer to start-up (20 seconds as opposed to 4).
In regards to "air tight", there are some
intentional gaps between the wood and the enclosing glass, as needed to allow for 1) natural wood expansion (due to changing levels of ambient moisture) and 2) intake air flow. In actual practice, these gaps tend to be too small to be affected by wind or to allow vapor to escape. The vapor tends to stay where it belongs, (unless, of course, the user happens to blow into the pipe rather than to draw from it (!)).
In regards to the possibility of scorching, the findings have been largely a question of how the pipe is used, and reports on FC have so far been mixed. Some people seem to love it and report few problems, and others have reported that they did not prefer it when compared to other vapes -- either due to factors of taste, look, or convenience (ie, the 'stealth' factor). Overall, the opinions expressed have been fairly strong -- both for and against. We take this as a good sign.
The primary factors governing the taste experience are:.
- the amount used,
- the cycling of the "on time" for the battery, and
- the rate of user air draw.
The dryness of the material is somewhat less important than these three factors, although I am sure that this too, makes some difference.
-- Magic-Flight.