Every time i vape?
I didn't read it as a negative review at all. It's like you say: the cooling is what makes it unique, what makes it the Revolve.
But i was pleasantly surprised when i eventually tried it. It still beats other stems in terms of cooling and taste but it is surely a different experience than when using the DRC-tube. That's why i still recommend trying it out to those who haven't yet. Nice for variation at the least..
I'll do it again!
I have three complete Revolves.
1-Glass stem, 21SS tip. Airport halfway. DRC 1/2-1/3 open. Fluttering during draw.
2-Ti stem, 19SS tip, Bypass halfway, DRC 1/2-1/3 open. Uncovered during first cycle, fluttering from second cycle.
3-Ti stem 20SS tip, Direct airflow tube, alternate use of bypass or airport, mostly open with fluttering.
(4- Spare Ti stem set up with Simrell stinger mouthpiece/intercooler, 21Ti Vong tip. Looks really dope (all raw ti) and is a real featherweight combo but it's quite hot and harsh when you get used to the Revolve CU so i don't really use it a lot tbh... It's really nice to hold tho

I do switch things around often so it will vary. The only constant thing is the Revolve!