Well-Known Member
Thanks for that, I'll shoot you a PM and hopefully we can work something out so I can order a reload too.The MP won't lock completely, in that case it would be extremely hard to push the airflow tube together with the mouthpiece if we have too much friction. However it can be too loose if it's rotating with normal use like spinning or fluttering.
I'm sorry about that, it doesn't look greatAfter a thorough clean it shouldn't get any worse, but I'm happy to replace it for you, please send a PM / email with your order no and we can sort out the rest as well. The carbless glass is available online, you can select it on the normal glass product page
Edit: Make sure to push the airflow tube into the mouthpiece all the way so it's flush, that's very important! That could also be why it's still spinning
It's the most visible on the Ti I'm afraid, but all of them has those little machining lines unfortunately. It's less visible on the coated ones.
It's a pretty glaring shiny area so I know my OCD won't let me just see past it. I appreciate how helpful you've been with everyone and always give such quick response time. You've already made your brand one that I can comfortably recommend to a friend, which is nice to see in this community.