This sort of thing has happened with other non-vape companies I’ve dealt with. If this isn’t illegal it should be. In any case it’s a sure guarantee that I’ll never give you another dime in business no matter how bitchin’ your vape is. If I can’t trust you to honor your warranty why should I do business with you? If the warranty is a factor in the purchase shouldn’t you be refunding part of of my money? Again, short sighted bullshit. Don’t offer a lifetime warranty if you think you’re not going to be able to honor it.
I get your position and I mostly agree, but I assume they think they can handle a lifetime warranty when they offer it and then run into problems.
For example, I’ve seen at least one new user here pretty openly “destroy” their MFLB just to get a new one and then try to sell the old one (which still worked but may have needed a new screen or something after the procedure they have you do to it before they send you a new one. I’ve heard of other people breaking perfectly good MFLBs and other things just to get new ones too.
I’ve even had people in stores try to get me to buy a warranty by telling me to just use it until the warranty is almost up then break it to get a new one.
I feel like I’ve had this discussion here somewhere before...
Anyway, it bothers me too when people don’t honor their warranties or make them very short, but there is another side to it and I’m at least as mad at the people abusing the system.
On the plus side for some of the small makers on here I think they usually offer very reasonably priced repairs or even just take care of things they feel were their fault outside of the warranty.