Salutations SameOldTim,
Salutations Loto Labs,
My guess is this could be interpreted as the expression of a person thinking we've got plenty already, e.g. what's in it that makes this particular project more worthy of my attention than all the others before?
By chance i may have an entertaining answer to this riddle as i wondered myself! So please, hang around with me a while longer...
Out of curiosity, since i can't resist the urge, while having
a manufacturer around who seeks feedback from our FC community.

It's a simple question, really.
What would be the absolute minimal amount of electronic components required for a KISS IH vaporizer system?
As in, Keep It Silly Simple!!
My motive for asking is that Induction Heating may be viable but i believe that once combined into a structure based on some Curie alloy then such simplification can be reasonably expected to result in a lower failure rate. In fact, if we suppose for the sake of discussion that all it takes to work is a battery, a switch, a power-driver (semiconductor with some discrete parts) and an IH coil of appropriately shape, euh... Then another question could be raised:
Provided the unit follows the KISS design principle, considering it's quite a blessing that this is among the options (because such device is practically equivalent to a lamp dimmer, or a digital household thermostat - even probably sturdier actually); because nothing fancy is requied to implement a magnetic pump (and madame Curie would love to be put to contribution i suspect!)... Which feature would gain FC's preference?
More lights with buttons or a fail-safe unbreakable device?
So, what i gues i'm saying is that the route ahead that leads to an "intelligent" chip, euh... Lets put it this way: i'm not saying it's no good, no. But there's potential for a KISS IH product with no displays nor dials and/or switches to fail on us, etc... As a matter of fact even the fixed thermostatic action is garanteed to work once implemented, as long as magnetic energy is pumped in: it's inside the alloy itself!
So, my suggestion has 2 sides but there's only 1 central thing to be honest:
a) DIY kit
b) Deluxe Option
As a DIY kit it would only include the basics: hold the button to heat until the Curie point is reached then release... The Deluxe scenario comes with all the bells and whistles imaginable, USB, WiFi... You name it!
IMO, even if the price tags are eventually (read "theoretically") felt to be fair in both cases, then my impression is the members of FC might like having the choice to trade-off between "intelligence" and a KISS alternative... Especially if there's next to nothing to break.
Euh... Maybe a poll would tell or i've just given it too much imagination already!!
Any impressions?