on portables:
I own a MFLB, Solo and Omicron.
If we're counting butane powered, I've also got a Gn0me, Vaporstar, and VG Steel Bat.
I have never been a massive fan of the MFLB.
It certainly has its place among portables, but IMO, there are other vapes to fill its spot.
For stealth, My vote goes to the Omicron.
Its damn quick to hit, can be very easily concealed in a pocket, hand etc.
You also don't need to worry about batteries or butane, a single charged battery can get me 100ish hits.
I'd hate to think how many MFLB Batts I'd need for that kind of performance.
You also don't need to bring herb with you, as a cart loaded with 1g of BHO (or similar) will get you 250-400 hits.
Thats why the Omi gets my vote for a stealth portable.
(I haven't tried the Thermovape yet, so I can't weigh in on that one.)
If we are talking less stealth, and you just want something that easy to take around to a friends place, then I would say its a toss up between the Gn0me & the Solo.
They are both about as portable as each other (with the solo you need to have stem(s) with it, for the Gn0me, a torch).
The solo is easier to use, just load it up, set it to your number, and wait a minute or 2.
I have yet to break a solo stem that I wasn't seriously mistreating.
I get 6-8 cycles of 12 minutes (the solos auto-shutoff time) per charge, which will easily last me a night of heavy vaping. I have yet to have my solo actually have the battery die in a session, as I charge it when I go to sleep. I wake up, and its ready for another day.
You need to be a bit more careful with the Gn0me, as you are heating it yourself, and overheating can lead to combustion.
Having said that, it is truly an all glass airpath, from start to finish, with no butane or anything else nasty being mixed in with the vapor, leading to some of the best tasting hits I've gotten from any of my vapes.
Basically, to sum up this big post, IMO:
If you want stealth/an out-and-about vape, go for the Omicron.
If you want nice clouds, good flavour, and are mainly using it indoors, but would like it to be portable, go for the Gn0me.
If you want somewhere in between, but still less of a stealth situation, go for the Solo.
TBH, at its price, I'd recomend the Gn0me and one of the others, as it really is a great price for such a quality vape, but I know that isn't exactly within everyones budget.
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