Shit Snacks
Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Fuck! I have VAS and I just realized everyone on this entire site are enablers! Damn you all!!!
That out the way...i have a mighty/crafty, davinci, ascent, pax and the mflb (not too big of a collection) I mainly like portables because I got things to do and trees to help me do it.
I love the mighty and it is my go to in MOST situations...but there is one takes too long to get high!
While at work I have to commit to 10 or 15 minutes per session, which is starting to feel like I spend a majority of my time feeling out when that window can be (with about 3 sessions per shift)
There is the 5 minute load/heat up time and 10 minute extraction window after finding a suitable place to vape at (I work outside)
I like the flightbox EXCEPT the battery situation makes it undesirable sometimes (iI have upgraded batteries too)
My VAS logic makes me believe that while the torch powered vape is new territory as I've never owned/tried/or seen one in person... it might be the peice I'm missing to finally complete my collection
I was eyeballing the glass vaporgenie and have seen the coil vaporgenie for cheap locally, but I cannot find too much on their function and satisfaction rate
Because I trust FC I found this thing (the lily) and am smittenI am looking to purchase something soon and just want to know if anyone who uses the lily as well as the mighty or crafty thinks about the two
Again, never used a torch based vape, only plug ins and battery powered portables (except putting the car cig lighter up to my straight shooter)
My assumption is that the lily wouldkill the VG anyways?
how is it for fast on the go sessions?
Any help is welcome!
I use mine at home, or at friends. Haven't brought it on the go bc its not stealthy or easy to use torch for me like that... But others have, how it was designed really, and Lily is one of the strongest hitting vapes (never used Mighty, but its session of full pack, Lily and ESV can work on pinches with fantastic results)
I use my Elevape SV the most on the go, quick strong hits on demand. Looking forward to the Grasshopper to be even better at this though...