You Must Unlearn, What You Have Learned...
Have been doing some more tube research lately using stacked screens (my new favorite way to roast). They work really well in the Slide-a-Bowl tubes which allows the sliding tube to be used for a fiber filter if desired. Here is a photo showing the Slide-a-Bowl tube in silicone, wood, and cork connectors.
The material to be roasted is captured between the two screens. This allows for the roasting of small amounts. If it is desired to roast even smaller amounts (micro dosing), smaller stacked screens can be used in the smaller sliding tube rather than in the outer tube. In either case, it places the load very close to the heat source so most of the heat is used to roast rather than to heat up the glass tube.
Was looking at how @Madcap79 was using one of my tapered wine cork tubes with his Versa (Versa Infinity - The Glass Vaporizer) and determined that the Slide-a-Bowl tube could also be used in a similar fashion for the GTV. Additionally, the Slide-a-Bowl tube can be used for the LSV.
The following series of photos shows how these tubes can be used in both the GTV and LSV. They can also be used for any vaporizer that has an 18mm connection like the EQ, EVO, Versa, any box style, etc. The screens are in the position for use with the HI. They can be pushed all the way to the end of the glass tube for use with the 18mm glass fittings for higher roasting temperatures.
The silicone ring on the female to female fitting allows you to handle it while hot. A keck clip is not required to hold to tubes together as the silicone, wood, and cork give enough to hold the joint together.
The concept also works using plain or gong end 13mm x 10mm tubing with either a cork or silicone for a seal.

Alan you sir are the Master JedHI as well as the TT, GTV and LSV!

I tried my slide a bowl with the LSV and it's awesome!!! Thanks again!